A pokémon's ability is determined upon hatching. Also, a pokémon has a 80% chance of having its mother's ability, unless they are being bred with Ditto.
yes, the Pokemon isn't determined until you get the egg, so just save before you get it and then keep hatching it until you get the Pokemon you want. (Elekid, Smoochum, Igglybuff, Magby, Tyrogue, Pichu, Cleffa)
It is the type of thing that means you think over again... you know you are determined but before you are you makes ure you are.
Well you must first beat the elite four and enter the hall of fame. After you have at least beat them once battle them again. There pokemons levels will be even higher than before. The highest level that they will have will be a level 77 Garchomp. I hope that i helped!
you can't you can, but only by trading all your Pokemon to another game before restarting, then trading them back after you have gained the ability to.
while your on a mission before you get your reward you activate (put out) a nano that has the ability scavenge you will earn extra fusion matter and thats all it works every time.
it is about a chick hatching and how it feels when it hatches and before it hatches
well, if you keep saving it, then hatching it, it won't be a shiny. but if you press A, B, START, SELECT while it is hatching, you have a 50/50 chance.
No! not while they are hatching then they will get very angry wait either before or after the hatching.
Back in the days before colour screens on computers there was a need to identify different area of a drawing by function. This was done by the use of various markings or hatching's on the drawing itself and identified on the side of the drawing by a short list of the hatching's and what the hatching's meant.
As far as I know, and seen... no.
Around three weeks after hatching.
12 days
yes, the Pokemon isn't determined until you get the egg, so just save before you get it and then keep hatching it until you get the Pokemon you want. (Elekid, Smoochum, Igglybuff, Magby, Tyrogue, Pichu, Cleffa)
Dont think so.U could search it on google.com