Flygon learns Dragon Claw at level 45 (in every game it features in).
flygon learns dragon claw at level 60 and learns hyper beam at level 65
in the newer games it learns when it evolves and in the older games at level 60
Flygon can learn many useful moves like Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Draco Meteor, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, and U-Turn.
Well Salamance learns dragon breath, fly, then dragon claw. I don't really think it learns outrage. well in emerald my salamence is level 59 and still didn't learn dragon claw weird huh well i hope salamence will learn dragon claw at level 60 and up in emerald or any other version
It learns it at level 56.
flygon learns dragon claw at level 60 and learns hyper beam at level 65
So far in my soulsilver dragonite does NOT learn dragon claw.But luckily it can learn dragon claw by a TM.Anyway the TM is what you need to use.
in the newer games it learns when it evolves and in the older games at level 60
after flygon evolves from vibrava at level 45 it learns Dragon Claw,at level 49 it learns Sandstorm and at level 57 it learns Hyper Beam.
maybe but there is a slim chance
Flygon can learn many useful moves like Earthquake, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Draco Meteor, Fire Punch, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, and U-Turn.
level 58 ding bat
Well Salamance learns dragon breath, fly, then dragon claw. I don't really think it learns outrage. well in emerald my salamence is level 59 and still didn't learn dragon claw weird huh well i hope salamence will learn dragon claw at level 60 and up in emerald or any other version
It learns it at level 56.
It learns it at Lv61 in Platinum.
Many Pokemon can learn dragon claw, Any dragon Pokemon is able to leard dragon claw, if you go into your box, you can look at the summery of your Pokemon and it will tell you what type it is on the first page, if it mentions dragon it is able to learn dragon claw, for other Pokemon you can put Pokemon tyou think might beable to in your team and boot up the TM for dragon claw, it will show you if they are able to learn dragon claw.
All I know is that Shelgon learns dragon claw at level 49