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It learns it at level 56.

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Q: What level does archeops learn the move dragon claw in Pokemon white?
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Archeops, when you level it to 35!

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At level 37 (mine evolved in Mistralton Tower, is now level 75) into Archeops, the awesomest bird Pokemon in the world with an insane base Attack of 140 (max over 400), a Special Attack of 112 and a Speed of 110. Be careful of Defeatist though.

At what level does a Garchomp learn dragon rush in pokemon pearl?

between level 52 and 56

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It learns it at Lv61 in Platinum.

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you wait till it grows level and soon it will learn that move

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Serperior can not learn Dragon Rush.

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It can't learn Dragon Pulse.

What level does tirtouga evolve at in Pokemon black?

tirtouga evolves into carracosta at level 37. if you wanted to know this too, archen evolves into archeops at the same level as tirtouga to carracosta

What moves does garadoes learn on Pokemon emerald?

In Pokémon Emerald, the moves that Gyarados are capable of learning through level up are Thrash which is a start move and then it will learn Bite at Level 20, Dragon Rage at Level 25, Leer at Level 30, Twister at Level 35, Hydro Pump at Level 40, Rain Dance at Level 45, Dragon Dance at Level 50 and Hyper Beam at Level 55.

What level does flygon learn Draco meteor?

you have to go to the dragon teacher (in the foggy route) while you and your Pokemon have a close bond