Game id: YV4E cd767c0 infinite gura: 023DB840 0098967F Health code works 0216DBA4 000003E7 02193470 000003E7 0224A284 000003E7 023DB418 000003E7 all minerals: d5000000 63636363 c0000000 00000010 d6000000 023db698 d2000000 00000000 i like potatoes ^.^ =D =) :) :D <(^.^<) PEW!
give it mr .X. But DO NOT use the action replay code to get all cubes! You will be stuck on that part!
"""""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay """""""""""""" use action replay
Datel made Action Replay.
No, you do not need to connect your action replay to your computer but you have to look online for codes for your action replay though
Nintendo made an action replay for the dsi. There is an action replay for dsi... The INITIAL codelist is different, for many games have come out since the creation of the action replay ds. However, the possible codelists are exactly the same, the action replay DSi is just not compatible with the other versions of the AR
You have to buy something called action replay for ds. Then you just google spectrobes beyond portals action replay codes and just put them in the action replay.
YV4E-CD767C01 is the code
this is for only the us version on action replay ds YV4E-CD767CO1
Look at your spectrobes game country. Don't be fooled, even if you bought the game your respective country the game id could be different.
yes there is i have it but i lost me action replay
use an action replay.
you make them up!
This is the code for infinite health.Da000000 02193472D7000000 02193470D2000000 00000000This is the Code for Slot 1 Main Spectrobe.It will have 9999max Answers.com123dba5e 0000270f123dba60 0000270f123dba62 000003e7123dba64 000003e7223dba73 00000063This is the Code for Slot 2 Main Spectrobe.Again it will have max stats.123dba96 0000270f123dba98 0000270f123dba9a 000003e7123dba9c 000003e7223dbaab 00000063Note:the health codes are only for Rallen not for the Spectrobes.
type in on action replay 1234221(fake code)
give it mr .X. But DO NOT use the action replay code to get all cubes! You will be stuck on that part!
You can find Action Replay codes for Spectrobes by searching online forums, websites, and dedicated cheat code platforms. Be cautious when using these codes, as they can potentially corrupt your game or save file. It's recommended to back up your save data before attempting to use any cheat codes.