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no theres not but theres Pokemon heart and glod plus Pokemon soul silver your starter Pokemon follow you in that game

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Q: Are there any online Pokemon games where your starter follows you?
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What advance games can you get Chickorita Cyndaquil Totodile as a starter Pokemon?

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Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.

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Starter Pokemon you can get them in almost all the Pokemon games.

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Charmander is one of the three starter Pokemon, along with Bulbasaur and Squirtle in these games: Blue, Red, FireRedand LeafGreen.

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Mudkip is available as a starter pokemon in more than one games. They are Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon Sapphire, Pokemon Emerald, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.

Is sandshrew a starter Pokemon?

No, Sandshrew is not a Pokémon that has been given out as a Starter Pokémon in the Pokémon games.

How do you Get starter pokemon?

At the beginning of the Pokemon games by doing events before they give you one.

Can you get the old starter Pokemon on Pokemon Black and White?

You have to transfer from other games so no

What is the greatest starter Pokemon throughout Pokemon games?

There isn't one, it all about how you use them.

Is there any online Pokemon games?

on pokemon battle reveloution for the wii, pokemon rumble blast and the original rumble are online games

Where can you play pokemon online game?

Pokemon crater, moon, and indigo are online Pokemon games.