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no, sorry there is not bug type that can learn surf, unless you count aruseus with an insect plate as a bug, if so aruseus is the only one, hope that helps

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can Learn surf

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Q: Are there any bug Pokemon that can learn surf?
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Catterpie, Roselia, Scyther and many many more grass type Pokemon can learn bug type moves.

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Breloom (if they count as Bug) get Shroomish and evolve it, Breloom is a good all-round Bug Pokemon 'cos it can learn fight, rock, normal, bug, and loads more types. hope that was OK advice :') *Shi ~

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yes & no because there's a hack in the Japanese version where if you go to the Pokemon menu to use surf in aarons room you can surf all over the sinnoh region like a walk through walls cheat. this bug was taken out in the American version. (get it bug)

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