some bug Pokemon like venonat, spinarak and volbeat can learn by their own level....some needs to breed with other Pokemon...
Ariados does not naturally learn the move Signal Beam in Pokemon Emerald. If bred with Venonat, Venomoth, or Volbeat however it will learn Signal Beam.
Charge Beam cannot be found in Pokémon Emerald since it was created and introduced for the Generation 4 games and Emerald is a Generation 3 game.
Lapras will learn Ice Beam at level 31.
Gyarados can learn the following moves in Pokemon emerald: 20- Bite 25- Dragon Rage 30- Leer 35- Twister 40- Hydro Pump 45- Rain Dance 50- Dragon Dance 55- Hyper Beam
There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.
Ariados does not naturally learn the move Signal Beam in Pokemon Emerald. If bred with Venonat, Venomoth, or Volbeat however it will learn Signal Beam.
Catapie at level 74 learn Solar Beam, hyper beam, extream speed and dragon rush.
Gallade is unable to learn Signal Beam. Also it is NOT TM (Techincal Machine)
the best moves he can learn is hyper beam,fissure,earthquake,facade or hydro cannon (i think)
Catch Groudon, a level 70 Legendary Pokemon... It already got a Solar Beam before and after you catch it...
Level 42.
Charge Beam cannot be found in Pokémon Emerald since it was created and introduced for the Generation 4 games and Emerald is a Generation 3 game.
Charmander must evolve into Charizard to learn Hyper Beam.
Lapras will learn Ice Beam at level 31.
Gyarados can learn the following moves in Pokemon emerald: 20- Bite 25- Dragon Rage 30- Leer 35- Twister 40- Hydro Pump 45- Rain Dance 50- Dragon Dance 55- Hyper Beam