No. God Cards are not legal game cards, so cannot be used in tournaments.There are a few legal god cards like ra and obelisk but not slifer not yet
Players may use the God cards in casual Duels (however, it would be wise if effects were agreed upon prior to the Duel if you are using the tournament-illegal versions). You may NOTuse these cards in officially sponsored Duels or tournaments (tournament-legal versions may be used).
*Polymerization. No, because there is no fusion monster that lists any of them as material mosters. The Creator of Light Horakhty will be released soon, but it requires a tribute of all 3 TOURNAMENT LEGAL God Cards.
Yes, they are. The Forbidden One pieces are restricted to one each, for both formats.
There are not in the game
A tournament legal 'cut' is one that divides a deck into two. Even taking one card is therefore a legal cut, it is the cutting into two that matters, not how many. That means cutting into three is not a valid 'cut' for tournament purposes.
Unless they hit the banlist, they should be tournament legal. I don't see why they're going to release them in a pack and can't use them in a duel. The only 'god' cards that can't be used are the Egyptian god cards but they made Obelisk the tormentor and the Winged Dragon of Ra legal in tournament, it has to be in proto type though.Slifer The Sky Dragon is still banned.
Players may use the God cards in casual Duels (however, it would be wise if effects were agreed upon prior to the Duel if you are using the tournament-illegal versions). You may NOTuse these cards in officially sponsored Duels or tournaments (tournament-legal versions may be used).
No. There are cards in the duel decks that are not standard tournament legal.
The original print God Cards may not be used in any official Duel or tournament in the first place.However, in some Yu-Gi-Oh! video games, the God Cards can be destroyed by cards that do not target. Cards such as Mirror Force, Crush Card Virus, and Lightning Vortexwork.The above cards will also work on the Effect Monster versions of Obelisk the Tormentor and The Winged Dragon of Ra(these two cards are tournament-legal).
*Polymerization. No, because there is no fusion monster that lists any of them as material mosters. The Creator of Light Horakhty will be released soon, but it requires a tribute of all 3 TOURNAMENT LEGAL God Cards.
There are two game-legal prints of the God cards, both Shonen Jump releases, Obelisk and Ra. These cards are tournament legal, and unrestricted, you may have three of each in your deck. As for the other prints (LC1, GBI, DOD/JMP/YMA), these Egyptian God cards are classed as 'Illegal' not forbidden. This states that they are definitely not permitted in tournaments and if you use one (dependng on the tournament hosts) you could be disqualified from the event for having an 'illegal' card. Egyptian God cards are mainly collectibles to show off to your friends. You can use the god cards in private duels at home or school but not in domestic official competitions.
Yes, there are currently tournament-legal copies of Obelisk the Tormentor and The Winged Dragon of Ra as of 4/25/10. There are also copies of all three God cards that cannot be used in official tournaments and duels.
so far, there is no combination of the god cards made. but, it could be a possibility in the future, once they release tournament legal slifer.
If they are the ones with effects(playable), yes
Yes, the only difference would possibly be the artwork on them.
God Cards are not legal game cards - they have no text because there is no game text to go there.