Go to codejunkies.com for action replay codes, as it is the official AR website. These codes are the only ones which are guaranteed not to mess up your save file.
Hope i was of help!:)
you can find an action replay code at code junkies or :type "action replay codes for harvest moon ds cute
you have to have an action replay and then you get 96 of them
if you have an action replay there are cheat codes for it
you can find an action replay code at code junkies or :type "action replay codes for harvest moon ds cute
The ID Code For Harvest Moon DS Cute Is AB4E 366b3d1d
you have to have an action replay and then you get 96 of them
By putting the codes into an Action Replay for DS
You have to buy an Action Replay card.
if you have an action replay there are cheat codes for it
when i figure out i will post
You need the "action Replay" card for d.s.
You can't. Maybe there will be an Action Replay code for it, but I don't know. I own Harvest Moon DS cute on NO$GBA myself.