If you use a cheat too many times, it will get deleted.
Or if you use too many cheats or codes, the game could get deleted of the AR card, unless you have a AR cable and can put the cheats back on.
Hope this Helps ^^
there is a master code cheat to use the cheats in the action replay with out it the codes wont work
www.supercheats.com/nintendods/pokemonpearlcodes2.htm Has every single action replay code for Pokemon pearl. You wont believe some of the stuff you can do with these codes!
If it comes up saying ''UNOWN GAME'' it means that your Action Replay hasn't got any cheat codes stored for that game. You need to aquire the games ID and then find the codes you want and then store them on your Action Replay.
There are but they wont work because they are still converting the master code.
shut the ds off put action replay in ds. turn on press action replay. take action replay out finally put ds game in and press on the star
distroy the action replay and you wont have to worry about it
A+B well action reyplay is starting!
there is a master code cheat to use the cheats in the action replay with out it the codes wont work
Yes but there wont be any codes for it!
use action replay and get the code online for the code enter it in action replay done then try it out some codes wont work
stupididiot109-well really it has to be on otherwize codes wont work
www.supercheats.com/nintendods/pokemonpearlcodes2.htm Has every single action replay code for Pokemon pearl. You wont believe some of the stuff you can do with these codes!
If it comes up saying ''UNOWN GAME'' it means that your Action Replay hasn't got any cheat codes stored for that game. You need to aquire the games ID and then find the codes you want and then store them on your Action Replay.
If your action Replay is the old version, try what I did. This always worked for me. Just put the action replay in WITHOUT the game. Go ahead and run your codes. Now, take your action replay out and put the game in. Then play. The codes work. This always worked for me, I hope it works for u.
There are but they wont work because they are still converting the master code.
Because the action replay makers have not made cheats for it or you haven't updated your action replay.
if your game is a fake it wont work