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There are but they wont work because they are still converting the master code.

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Q: Are there any action replay codes for fossil fighters champions?
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Is there an action replay code for all Vivosaurs on fossil fighters champions?

sorry i have not found a working one yet i will soon

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What is the action replay code for fossil fighters?


Action replay cheats for Fossil Fighters?

kiss my butt

Is there any fossil fighters action replay for codejunkies?

Yes but i cant find them

If there are cheats on fossil fighters how do you put them in?

yes there are cheats on fossil fighters, and you put them in via the action replay (and no, i dont know any codes)

Is there an action replay code for all dinosaurs in fossil fighters?

probably but i would get one to see if it works

Is there an ar code for all of your vivisaurs on your team to be at rank 12 in Fossil Fighters?

No There is not Because Fossil Fighters is to new to have action Replay codes, But I Typed This October 4Th Sunday 2009

What are some cheats for fossil fighters?

press your dads 8==>~ - new person dont listen to the person there ^ he is just beeing a jerk. i am not sure if their are actually cheats for fossil fighters, even with action replay sorry guys.

Can someone make an action replay code in fossil fighters to make you have infinity health?

NO go away BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (c u later) (he-he-he-he-he) BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

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What are the action replay codes for fossil fighters that gives the fossils max stats?

i wish. not yet. a better 1 would be a thing that otomaticaly gets fossils i wonder when they are going to come up with a new action replay that works for it. problably in 2010, january.