its hard to tell since most worlds usually hav people killing hill giants. i would try world 101 or the worlds near the end of the list because people dont like scrolling down to find a world. usually, i would just stand next to a respwan point and wait till 1 pops up then, i clik on it really fast.
Buy it, get it from the Hill giants.
Hill giants are lvl 28. Many people like to kill htem to get big bones which sell for a decent price. They are found down the ladder in the small house west of varrok. You need a brass key to enter.
near clan wars near castle wars in lvl 58wildy in a hotspot in a cave
For low levels, collecting big bones at hill giants is good. For high levels Godwars.
There are no hill giants actually in Varrock, the closest hill giants to Varrock would be the ones in Edgevil Dungeon, just head to edgevil which is north of barbarian village and go down the ladder with the '!' icon on the mini map, follow the dungeon right to the end passing all of the skelitons and zombies until you reach the hill giants.Note.There is a key loacated between the hobgoblins and the hill giants, if you take this key you can take the ladder which is right next to the hill giants and enter through there (so long as you have the key), it leads to near the cooking guild.
Fire Giants Hill Giants Ice Giants Moss Giants
Buy it, get it from the Hill giants.
You need to be in a PvP world. (Player vs. Player). Then you can attack them the same way you attack Hill Giants, rats, goblins and so on.
I'd sujest hill giants
I would say hill giants or moss giants.
Over by the hill giants next to clan wars.
Try training on Hill Giants / Moss Giants
You can train on hill giants or moss giants.
You can pick them up, you can get them when you kill giants such as: Hill giants. Fire giants, Ice giants or Moss giants.
hill giants and hobgoblins drop them sometimes
just south of hill giants, but you can buy it from GE.
get the steel LG by attack hill giants or buying it.