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There are no hill giants actually in Varrock, the closest hill giants to Varrock would be the ones in Edgevil Dungeon, just head to edgevil which is north of barbarian village and go down the ladder with the '!' icon on the mini map, follow the dungeon right to the end passing all of the skelitons and Zombies until you reach the hill giants.


There is a key loacated between the hobgoblins and the hill giants, if you take this key you can take the ladder which is right next to the hill giants and enter through there (so long as you have the key), it leads to near the cooking guild.

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Q: Were are hill giants in varrock in runescape?
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In runescape where do you get the key to go into the small house outside Varrock where the hill giants are?

just buy it on the GE......its called brass key

What lvl are Moss Giants in RuneScape?

moss giants are level 42.They can be found a=in the varrock sewer

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Hill Giants if you're a non member near varrock. If you are a member you may want to train on moss giants, near tree gnome stronghold.

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Moss Giants inside varrock sewers.

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It's towards the bottom of edgeville, also if you have the key, there's a shack to the west of Varrock with an entrance to the hill giants.

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Fire Giants Hill Giants Ice Giants Moss Giants

How can you get a brass key in RuneScape?

Buy it, get it from the Hill giants.

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I attacked moss giants in the Varrock sewers until I got to level 60 attack. They have good drops, especially for members. Also, attack red spiders in the Varrock sewers or Hill Giants in the building next to Barbarian Village. Completing quests also give you experience in some areas.

Where is varrock square in RuneScape?

Right in the center of Varrock.

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I'd sujest hill giants

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I would say hill giants or moss giants.

Why are there geckos on RuneScape?

Over by the hill giants next to clan wars.