One choice is the word ambush.
Healthappy (healthy and happy)
Courage means to stand strong.
Other words for strong or vigorous are robust or active.
healthy, well, strong, robust, sound, fit, flourishing, vigorous
Sturdy, hearty, robust, and countless other synonyms you can search up on google
The word validus in Latin means "strong, vigorous". Of people, it can mean "healthy"; of medicines, "effective".
Healthy, strong, rugged, vigorous, muscular, athletic, thriving...
"Lusty" typically refers to having strong sexual desires or being full of vigor and energy. It can also imply a robust and healthy physical condition.
dynamic, dashing, powerful, energetic, athletic, active, driving, zealous, strong, sturdy, spirited, sound, rugged, potent, intense, healthy, effective, forceful
The word flourished means to develop or grow in a healthy or vigorous way.
The name is usually derived from artemês, uninjured, healthy, vigorous.
1. full of or characterized by vigor: a vigorous effort.2. strong; active; robust: a vigorous youngster. 3. energetic; forceful: vigorous steps; a vigorous personality.4. powerful in action or effect: vigorous law enforcement.5. growing well, as a plant.
b for blooming t for thriving v for vigorous