You have to just catch a bunch of different magickarps and bring it back to the man. He'll decide which one is the right one.
For doing this he will give you a hyper ball.
Just catch a few magikarp (Old/Good rod) and show them to the man, he will give you something (a net ball iirc)
I am lead to believe Magikarp evolves at level twenty.
just magikarp.
if you own a Pokemon lets say magikarp the red areas on the map on the pokedex are where you can find it.
Remoraid,kingler,and gyardos(sorry for spelling) and magikarp
Just catch a few magikarp (Old/Good rod) and show them to the man, he will give you something (a net ball iirc)
I am lead to believe Magikarp evolves at level twenty.
just magikarp.
To get a red Gyarados in Pokemon LeafGreen you first need to catch a shiny Magikarp. This shiny Magikarp will be able to evolve into a red Gyarados. This is due to the red Gyarados simply being the shiny color of Gyarados.
Horsea, Tentacool, Seel, Kabuto or Omanyte, Magikarp, Gyrados, Staryu.
if you own a Pokemon lets say magikarp the red areas on the map on the pokedex are where you can find it.
Remoraid,kingler,and gyardos(sorry for spelling) and magikarp
First of all I'd like to say your spelling and grammar are bad, It should be: Where can I get a Magikarp In Pokemon Leaf Green; the answer: use the old rod In practically any body of water.
you have to go to sea foam islands and use good rod super rod old rod also
there is no good Pokemon and bad Pokemon its just the way You level it up and what moves it knows /execpt Magikarp they cant learn moves but Gyrados is worth it at the end.
first put your magikarp on the top of the team then find a Pokemon then switch out your magikarp with a strong Pokemon then kill the Pokemon.
A Magikarp should evolve at about lvl 40 on Pokemon diamond