first put your magikarp on the top of the team then find a Pokemon then switch out your magikarp with a strong Pokemon then kill the Pokemon.
I know that in Pokemon diamond and pearl (its the same in the first handbook) magikarp evolves into gyrados when its lvl 20. u should level it up by giving it exp. share
You either put a exp share on it or you put it in the front of your team and when you battle switch it (it will do better on the exp share though).
hi Chris here train in victory rode with the exp share
At Route 15 inside the big place, go upstairs talk to Professor Aid. If you have collected at least fifty Pokemon, he will give you the Exp. Share. The Pokemon holding this item will gain the exact same number of experience points. For example, if Magikarp is holding it it and your Charizard just went up to level 59 and the experience was 496, then Magikarp will gain exactly 496 points. if the Pokemon came from a trade it will get more experience points than your charizard. Edit: Not sure about traded Pokemon, but the one holding the Exp. Share will get exactly half, so if you use 2 Pokemon in the battle, and the total exp is 1000, your Exp Share Pokemon will get 500, and the other 2 will get 250 each.
give the exp share to a weak Pokemon when you use any Pokemon to fight exp goes to the fighting Pokemon and the 1 with the exp share.
Get the Exp. Share and let your Magikarp hold it. When you battle, use a strong Pokemon and Magikarp will get some Exp. That's how I got my Magikarp to Evolve.
Magikarp. If you give it an exp. share, It will evolve into gyarodos. I have a golden magikarp right now(i have an action replay code for it. I am not that great,)
Its evolves at level 20. A few ways I have evolved mine are using a Exp Share. If not you must keep Magikarp as the party leader and switch on the first turn.
Give him an EXP SHARE, and go trough the pokémon league (a couple of times) Use an other pokémon, not magikarp, but keep him in your team. He will get EXP without battling.
The Pokemon magikarp evolves into gyriados at level 20 just put an exp share on the magikarp to hold and the levels will shoot up really fast
im not sureif i understand your question, but ill try to answer it. magikarp does not evolve by an item but does evolve at lv20. hes hard to train ot because he has no attack, no that's what the exp share is for. but he is hard to train just because he need ALOT of exp to level up.
I only know one way catch a magikarp and train it to lvl. 20 ( if it doesn't have any damage attaks use the exp. share ) then it will evolve into gyarados
give it an exp share and then go do some battles without it getting hurt
exp. share
Level 20, give it a Exp. Share and have your main Pokemon beat the crud out of the Pokemon you are battling
I know that in Pokemon diamond and pearl (its the same in the first handbook) magikarp evolves into gyrados when its lvl 20. u should level it up by giving it exp. share
no i actually recommend it on magicarp.