Trading, migrating from LeafGreen or FireRed, or cheats.
Go to any Pokemart.Go to the paper.Put Link together with all.You will have a mystery gift.
no cheats
You Need Cheats The Wild Pokemon Modifier.
cheats cheats cheats
There are no cheats for ANY Pokemon games unless you have a gameshark
you can trade it
The Pokemon Leaf Green don't have a Cheats.
Get 50 Pokemon...
No, you cannot.
no now shhh im trying to get to sleep
There are always great cheats for any game on, or
Go to Cheats -> Cheat list... -> Gameshark... and then type in the code.
I really don't know, but you shouldn't use cheats on any Pokemon game; your game will be Ruined.
You cannot get to island 8 without cheats
Yes by migrating it from firered or leafgreen.