Just catch a few magikarp (Old/Good rod) and show them to the man, he will give you something (a net ball iirc)
Trading, migrating from LeafGreen or FireRed, or cheats.
Go to any Pokemart.Go to the paper.Put Link together with all.You will have a mystery gift.
no cheats
You Need Cheats The Wild Pokemon Modifier.
cheats cheats cheats
There are no cheats for ANY Pokemon games unless you have a gameshark
you can trade it
The Pokemon Leaf Green don't have a Cheats.
Get 50 Pokemon...
No, you cannot.
no now shhh im trying to get to sleep
There are always great cheats for any game on www.cheatplanet.com, or www.gamewinners.com
Go to Cheats -> Cheat list... -> Gameshark... and then type in the code.
I really don't know, but you shouldn't use cheats on any Pokemon game; your game will be Ruined.
You cannot get to island 8 without cheats
Yes by migrating it from firered or leafgreen.