hah! no Problem! YOU CAN ACTUALLY CREATE YOUR OWN POKEMON TEAM WHICH MEANS YOU CAN MAKE HO-oh APPEAR ON YOUR TEAM!Just download this AR code creating pogram called Pokesav from File front.com
1. ar codes 2. you can only get up to 999
Yes. There are cheat codes for Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. But, you must have an Action Replay or Gameshark. These devices can cheat for the game. A recommended site is called: supercheats.com/ They have cheat codes there. So, if you have a cheat device go to that site! There are other sites, look up Pokemon diamond and pearl AR(or any ther device) codes
if you find a website about Pokemon platinum AR codes email me at landonmeador@gmail.com
goto http//:Ninja.com/ type in the game then what you want after. (ex.) Pokemon diamond ar codes
there is non
just get codes and put it in your ar
go to www.codejunkies.com and www.supercheats.com to find out AR Pokemon Diamond/Pearl codes for the DS
NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONonononononononono nonononononononononononononononononononononononononononononono
Search it up on supercheats
You need a DS Toolkit.
Well you can get some for codejunkies on the website... www.codejunkies.com or you can search in google:Pokemon Diamond AR codes.
Just use the Pokemon Modifier.
YUP ITS 1349A5B7F RAPE ME 94749347594
hi im lew go 2 this website. they have all the ar codes. enjoy lol http://uk.codejunkies.com/search/codes/Pokemon-Diamond-Version_Nintendo-DS_17826184-17___.aspx
I can give you any AR code you want for Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl.
No you cant. u need an action realply.