Hosting one's own Ventrilo server can cost as little as 96 cents a month. Depending on the site the server is downloaded/purchased from the costs will vary. Most prices are dependent on how many users the server will be having. The more users the more expensive the server will be.
Depends on your server host.
That really depends on what type of package you decide on as the packages range from 3 months to a full year. The longer the rental term the better discount on the cost.
mc servers where you don't host them cost money. no one will do this for you
It would cost approxamitly $40,000 including the price of the server(S)
A dedicated server rental cost can be anywhere from $50 to $100 USD and up depending on location, quality of server, size of server, and other factors
too much?!
nothing its free
A Runescape private server can be run off of almost any personal computer for no cost. It does require extensive knowledge of networking and running a server, however.
=about $50,000,000,000=
Server Hosting can cost as much as $50 to $75 dollars, more or less, depending on the service that is needed and available. There are many hosts to fit business or personal needs.