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It has been established that a Time Lord has 12 regenerations, or 13 bodies. However, both Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat have openly said that they have no intention to sticking to this limit.

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14y ago

Maybe, Doctor Who is of a rare breed of TV shows (Super brand), so the BBC aren't going to get rid of it any time, soon, so, yes, there might be more than 13 Doctor's.

Additional: in a recent guest appearance on the Sarah Jane Adventures, the Doctor said he can regenerate more than 500 times. Although this was meant as a joke, it does reflect the opinion - stated by Russell T Davies, Steven Moffat and David Tennant in various interviews - that the whole 13-life limit thing is pretty meaningless, especially with the Time Lords gone. Even back in the 1970s when they first introduced it no one believed the Doctor would stick to this rule when he got there. So unless the BBC cancels the show in the meantime, there will be a 14th Doctor, and a 15th...

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13y ago

In the classic series, there were three serials featuring multiple Doctors at once: "The Three Doctors" (featuring the first three Doctors), "The Five Doctors" (featuring the first five Doctors) and "The Two Doctors" (featuring the second and sixth Doctors).

There have been five classic serials where we saw the Doctor regenerate into his next incarnation:

"The Tenth Planet" (the first Doctor regenerates into the second)

"Planet of the Spiders" (the third Doctor regenerates into the fourth)

"Logopolis" (the fourth Doctor regenerates into the fifth)

"The Caves of Androzani" (the fifth Doctor regenerates into the sixth)

"Time and the Rani" (the sixth Doctor regenerates into the seventh)

In the TV movie we saw the seventh Doctor regenerate into the eighth.

In the new series, there were two episodes where the Doctor regenerated into his next incarnation ("The Parting of the Ways" and "The End of Time, Part 2").

There was also the mini-episode "Time Crash" where the fifth Doctor appeared alongside the tenth.

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