As of today, (15/04/2017) 12 people have played the Doctor. This total can be raised to 13 if you count the War Doctor.
Sylvester McCoy, the Seventh Doctor, and David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor, are the only Scottish actors to have "officially" played the Doctor, though many companions and side-characters have been Scottish. UPDATE: As of 2014, Peter Capaldi has taken on the role of the Twelfth Doctor becoming the third Scottish actor to "officially" play the Doctor.
Rex Harrison
It was Tom Baker; he played the Doctor for seven years.
no one really knows, but i think many people do because some of my friends watch it!
Georgia Moffett played the role of Jenny in the Doctor Who episode 'The Doctor's Daughter'.
Ken Tyllssen has: Played Dalek in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played 1st Sensorite in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played First Sensorite in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechonoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played First Scientist in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechanoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Assistant in "Doctor in the House" in 1969.
Barney Lawrence has: Played Android in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Royal Servant in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Guard in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Foster in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Seabase Guard in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Marshman in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Sailor on the Shadow in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played 2nd Kinda Hostage in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Dave Culshaw in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Guard in "Blakes 7" in 1978. Played Federation Trooper in "Blakes 7" in 1978.
Rex Duis has: Played Daleks in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Radio News Reporter in "Diana" in 2009. Played The Fourth Doctor, The Cybermen in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Timothy Langden in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played The Botcheen in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played The Celestial Toymaker in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played The Fourth Doctor in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Unknown Voice in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Robot Voices in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Lord President Carridon in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played War Lord in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Computer Voice in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played The Cybermen in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Doctor Cavil, The Cybermen, The Third Doctor in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Maxwell, The Tetraps in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Cyber Voices in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Omega in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009. Played Daleks, The Foreman in "Doctor Who Online Adventures" in 2009.
Ruari Mears has: Played 1st Foster Guard in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Clone - developing stage in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Scarecow in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Praygat in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Ood in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Monk in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Time Zombie in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Elder Ood in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Hath Gable in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played 2nd Host in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cyber Leader in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Pigman in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Judoon Captain in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cybershade in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Spaceship Guard in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Smiler in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played himself in "Doctor Who Confidential" in 2005. Played Cyberman in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played himself in "Torchwood Declassified" in 2006. Played Yellow Robot in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Heidi Slitheen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Tree Blathereen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Shansheeth in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Werewolf Tom in "Being Human" in 2008. Played Tom Werewolf in "Being Human" in 2008. Played Werewolf in "Being Human" in 2008. Played Other Monsters in "Doctor Who at the Proms" in 2009. Played Monster in "BBC Proms" in 2010. Played Cybermen in "Doctor Who: Best of Specials" in 2011. Played Cyberman in "The Women of Doctor Who" in 2012. Played Monster in "BBC Proms" in 2013.
There are Dr. Kildare's with different first names. 1937: Joel McCrea 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941: Samuel S. Hinds 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942: Lew Ayres 1961, 1963, 1966: Richard Chamberlain 1972, 1973: Mark Jenkins
Paul Kasey has: Played himself in "Breakfast" in 2000. Played Cyber-Leader in "Timeshift" in 2002. Played Featured Infected in "28 Days Later..." in 2002. Played Judoon in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cyber-Leader in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Hath Peck in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Forest of Cheem Tree in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Slitheen in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Hero Pig in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Android in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cyberleader in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cyber Leader in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Ood Sigma in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Whisper Man in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played The Hoix in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Robot Santa in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played himself in "Doctor Who Confidential" in 2005. Played Time Zombie in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Ood Sigma in "Doctor Who Confidential" in 2005. Played Judoon Captain in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Wooden Queen in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Clockwork Man in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played The Host in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Auton in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Zygon in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Nephew in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Cyberman in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Sorvin in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Hero Pig Man in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played The Ood in "Doctor Who" in 2005. Played Blowfish in "Torchwood" in 2006. Played himself in "Totally Doctor Who" in 2006. Played Weevil in "Torchwood" in 2006. Played Highwayman in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Red Robot in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Slitheen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played The Metalkind in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Captain Tybo in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Jay Slitheen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Leaf Blathereen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Leef Blathereen in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played himself in "28 Weeks Later: The Infected" in 2007. Played Shansheeth in "The Sarah Jane Adventures" in 2007. Played Minotaur in "Inkheart" in 2008. Played Cyber Controller in "The Cyber Story" in 2008. Played Werewolf in "Being Human" in 2008. Played George Werewolf in "Being Human" in 2008. Played Big Foot in "Scoop" in 2009. Played Hero Monsters in "Doctor Who at the Proms" in 2009. Played Captain Tybo in "SJA: Alien Files" in 2010. Played Monster in "BBC Proms" in 2010. Played Nephew in "Doctor Who: Best of Specials" in 2011. Played Lead Monster in "BBC Proms" in 2013.
Murray Grumbar has: Played Arcturus in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Dalek in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Dalek Machine Operator in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Dalek Operator in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechonoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechanoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Dining Car Attendant in "Moody and Pegg" in 1974.
Martin Grant has: Played Masquer in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Citizen in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Student in "Microbes and Men" in 1974. Played Sentry in "Wings" in 1977. Played Man in "Secret Army" in 1977. Played Man in "Two People" in 1979.