Yes omarion played as Carl in De dolittle 3 u want to know why cause his brainds and his face that's how I reconized him cuz u know I mean son
It was Tom Baker; he played the Doctor for seven years.
Colin Baker played the Doctor in 1993; however, the Doctors name is literally always the Doctor.
Georgia Moffett played the role of Jenny in the Doctor Who episode 'The Doctor's Daughter'.
As of today, (15/04/2017) 12 people have played the Doctor. This total can be raised to 13 if you count the War Doctor.
Doctor Doolittle Doctor Dolittle, played by Eddie Murphy. Doctor Dolittle, and in the movies he is played by Eddie Murphy.
Doctor Dolittle
It was Dr. John Dolittle (played by Rex Harrison).
Rex Harrison in 1967, and Eddie Murphy in 1998.
Dr. Dolittle wasn't a real person. He is a character created by Hugh Lofting for a series of childrens' stories. Dr. Dolittle was played by Rex Harrison in the first movie based on the books. The newer movies, very roughly based on the books has Eddie Murphy playing the part of the Dr. There is no one in the world who could talk to the animals with a parrot teaching a person how to speak and talk to animals.
In the first episode of the original series in 1963, the Doctor was played by William Hartnell. In the new series, the Doctor was played by Christopher Ecclestone.
William Hartnell played the first Doctor in the original "Doctor Who" series, which premiered in 1963.
who played the doctor
Yes omarion played as Carl in De dolittle 3 u want to know why cause his brainds and his face that's how I reconized him cuz u know I mean son
William Hartnell was the oldest actor to play the Doctor in the original series of Doctor Who, taking on the role at the age of 55 in 1963.
The original series: McCoy Next Gen: Crusher DS9: Bashir Voyager: the emergency holographic program (Doctor)
Ken Tyllssen has: Played Dalek in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played 1st Sensorite in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played First Sensorite in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechonoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played First Scientist in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Mechanoid in "Doctor Who" in 1963. Played Assistant in "Doctor in the House" in 1969.