The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
The Toclafane's appearance is in the episodes The Sound of Drums and The Last of the Time Lords, the final two parts of the three-part season three finale in New Who.
In one of the episodes of the "Keys to time" series, a former school chum calls Tom Baker "Theta Sigma." The Doctor sheepishly tries to silence him while looking back & forth at the camera & his chum. Classic Tom Baker style. His real name is given in "Unfinished Business" series of online Doctor #9. It is: Chrístõdavõreendiamondhærtmallõupdracœfiredelúnmiancuimhne de Lœngbærrow - - Chrístõ to his friends. But he also has many other names.
She was not officially named although there are several names she goes by, like Fluffette.
The 'New Paradigm' Daleks don't exactly have names because only the Cult of Skaro had names, but they have individual titles. Doctor Who Confidential gave their titles as white -Supreme, yellow - Eternal, red - Drone, blue - Strategist, and orange - Scientist.
Dannster and the doctor's! Doctor K.Sims was in it.
The Font used In Series 7 of Doctor Who for names and titles is called the Metro Medium Font.
house? fox television
series 5 started on the 26st of march and is still on today last episode was yesterday the 24th of april. here are all the names of the episodes so far 1 the 11th hour 2 the beast below 3 victory of the daleks 4 the time of angels 5 [next saturday] flesh and stone
There are 22 episodes from the 2003-2004 tv series known as "Rock Me, Baby?". Some examples of the names of the episodes are Shift Shaft, Coupling, Ring of Fire and Prior Engagement.
There are over 600 episodes, so I'll just post links to the episode lists in the related links section.
Dr.Timya Dr.Jim Dr.Beth Dr.Wilson Dr.Richordsondoctor who
It's called Unpleasantville. You can find all the episode names here:
I don't know exactly; but you can chheck on Wikipedia. Just click on Adventure and click episodes. There you'll find names of the episodes and it'll give you a description of each episode. Look for the ones with Walmon in it.
You can find a list of Invader Zim episodes titles at the link below .
The original three were made in the 1970's but they are actually number 4, 5, and 6 in the series. Episodes 1, 2, and 3 were made in the 21st century. Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Episode 2: Attack of the Clones Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith Episode 4: A New Hope Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
So far just Series 5 (2010) and Series 6 (2011).
It would take a long time to list all the episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place since it has over 60 episodes but if you need a list of the episodes than go to and type in List of Wizards of Waverly Place episodes and click on the link that takes you to Wikipedia where there you can find all the seasons, episodes names, about the episodes, who directed it, guest stars, characters who were absent, what day the episode came to t.v. , and all the spells used in that episode!! Its awesome they also tell you the season that episode is in and the number of the episode and much more!! Hope this helped!