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The 'New Paradigm' Daleks don't exactly have names because only the Cult of Skaro had names, but they have individual titles. Doctor Who Confidential gave their titles as white -Supreme, yellow - Eternal, red - Drone, blue - Strategist, and orange - Scientist.

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Q: What are the names of the superior Daleks from the Doctor Who episode 'Victory of the Daleks'?
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Is something wrong with Amy Pond in the Victory of the Daleks?

(Contains spoilers for the episode Victory of the Daleks) Amy Pond can't recall anything about the Daleks who had invaded Earth (Sol:3) so the Doctor thinks there is something wrong with her by not remembering anything which had such an impact on her life. If you look at the end of the episode there is the crack in the wall which is following Amy so the crack in her wall will definitely be coming back in an episode soon which is when you can get the definite answer to your question but until all of the episodes have been shown nobody (unless they have read spoilers) can answer this honestly. If the question was meant that the character seemed a bit off in the episode, rather than that it had to do with actual plot, it has a simple explanation. The story Victory of the Daleks were originally written for the characters of the Tenth Doctor and companion Donna Noble. It was never used for them and instead pulled out and used for the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. So if Amy Pond appears to be more abrasive and such, this is why.

What the daleks look like?

The daleks were created by terry nation and were based on the Nazis, because when he was a child he was in the 2nd world war and that's why the daleks speak in a demanding high pitch squeal. i got this information from a 1980s dr who DVD.The daleks are hideous mutants hidden behind armour called Dalekanium.They were created by davros but some were created by The Dalek Emperor.They were meant to be destroyed in the time war but they keep coming back. In Victory of the Daleks,the Daleks pretended to be on Winston Churchill's side in World War 2 but were actually waiting for a "testinomy" from the Doctor.When the Doctor arrived and the Daleks got their testinomy,it confirmed they were Daleks to the proginetor(which didn't recognise them,because they were impure).The proginetor created a new race of pure Daleks.The new Daleks escaped and by doing so,claimed Victory,hence the episode title "Victory of the Daleks".Later,the Daleks ended up being part of a pandorica alliance,in The Pandorica Opens/the Big Bang.The pandorica Alliance succeeded in trapping the Doctor in the Pandorica.Later,the Dalek was brought to life by light from the Pandorica.For some unexplained reason,though,it was scared of River Song.

What are daleks personality?

The Daleks don't really have a personality have they have no emotions, actually just one! Beauty that is why they can never kill the doctor (Asylum of the daleks)

How could the daleks have fought in the last great time war when they were destroyed in remembrance of the daleks and why is there not one episode of the last great time war in dr who?

If you think about it, there have been a lot of Doctor Who episodes in which the daleks seem to be wiped out, but are shown in other episodes as not having been destroyed. Therefore enough Daleks must have survived. Also, in the Doctor Who version of the 22nd Century, after the Dalek wars between the daleks and earth, all the Daleks suddenly dissapeared. They in truth had gone to fight the time war against the Time Lords. They were then almost all destroyed. The reason there are no episodes of Doctor Who set in the time war is that when the show returned Russell T. davies wanted to picture the Doctor as the last survivor of his race, and to keep the events of the Time War a mystery, and give little hints to some of the things hat happened in the Time War.

Who is the leader of the o daleks off doctor who?

Davros created them, however they tend to overthrow him. In the classic series they apparantly kill him, he turns up in a later episode though. In the 7th Doctor story 'Remembrance of the Daleks', there are two Dalek factions, Imperial Daleks under the Dalek Emperor, and Renegade Daleks under the Dalek Supreme. The Emperor in this case turns out to be Davros however. At the end of the 1st series of the rebooted Doctor Who, the Dalek Emperor is shown, he survived the Time War and rebuilt an army. They are destroyed by Rose Tyler however. During series 2 and 3, four other Daleks are shown to have survived the Time War. They are the Cult of Skaro, specially designated Daleks with their own names and imagination. They are lead by a black Dalek, Dalek Sec. In the 4th series, another Dalek force has been assembled, lead by a Supreme Dalek. Davros is here also, though he is simply being kept for his scientific expertise. In the 5th series, a 'New Paradigm' of Dalek is created. They are colour coded, the white one is the new Supreme Dalek. In series 7, 'Asylum of the Daleks', the Daleks have a parliament and a prime minister.

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Is elevation of the daleks an episode name?

No, "Elevation of the Daleks" is not an episode name from the Doctor Who series. The correct title is "Evolution of the Daleks."

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The Daleks first appeared in the Doctor Who episode titled "The Daleks," which aired in 1963. They were created by writer Terry Nation and quickly became iconic villains in the series.

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(I assume you are talking about the new series) Victory of the Daleks is very "nonscary," as there are no suprises, and The Doctor is behind the enemy every step of the way.

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The first episode that Patrick Troughton played in Doctor Who was "The Power of the Daleks" in 1966.

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Doctor Who - 1963 Planet of the Daleks Episode Three 10-17 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (DVD rating)

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Doctor Who - 1963 Planet of the Daleks Episode Six 10-20 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (DVD rating)

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Doctor Who - 1963 Planet of the Daleks Episode Four 10-18 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (DVD rating)

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Doctor Who - 1963 Planet of the Daleks Episode Two 10-16 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U (DVD rating)

What website can you watch Doctor who Victory of the Daleks?

BBC (UK) or Space (Canada and/or U.S)

What year did the Daleks first appear in Doctor Who?

the daleks first came into the show just around the third episode, considering that all the episodes back then were separated into two. the episode was named "dead planet" and afterwords the daleks became a major part of doctor who

What are the ratings and certificates for Doctor Who - 1963 Destiny of the Daleks Episode One 17-1?

Doctor Who - 1963 Destiny of the Daleks Episode One 17-1 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG UK:PG (DVD rating)