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Stephanie Meyer was planning on making another book in the twilight saga called Midnight Sun. it was going to be twilight in Edward's perspective. someone got one of her few rough drafts of the first ten or so chapters and illegally published it on the internet. she felt heartbrokem and betrayed and said to her fans she doesnt fully intend on finishing the book because she was so upset and she plans to spend more time with her family and on other personal projects.

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16y ago

acually, midnight sun, so far is cancelled. Some one she trusted illegally posted it, when it was still in the editing stage. You vcan read the first couple of chapters at her official site. It sounded like she was for sure cancelling, but I hoep she makes it. She is doing a Twilight guide, but the date so far is undetermined.

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16y ago

Possibly. Stephenie Meyer was making Midnight Sun, which is Twilight in Edward's view, but someone found it and leaked it on the Internet and she's really upset. She says that IF she makes it at all, it will be about a decade. :(

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16y ago

Well the four books of the twilight saga are Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, adn Breaking Dawn. Stephanine Meyer was planning on writing a fifth book called Midnight Sun, but someone has posted the first few pages on the internet which is making her reconsider publishing the book

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16y ago

There is a fifth book in the works and is entitled Midnight Sun, however, a partial draft was leaked onto the internet, drastically upsetting Meyers to the point of postponing production of the novel indefinitely. For more information, updates, and access to the leaked draft go to .

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15y ago

There might be.Stephenie is writing a book called Midnight Sun. It is the same as Twilight but it's from Edward's point of view

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Q: Will there be more Twilight books after Breaking Dawn?
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How many Twilight movies are there and what are they?

Person #1:Four. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.Person #2:There are going to be four films as there are four books 1st, Twilight, 2nd, New Moon, 3rd, Eclipse and last of all, 4th Breaking Dawn!!!!!!!!no theres not thers going to be 6 films because there is 6 films in breaking dawn if you read it :)Person #3:its a shame that there is going to be 4 films out in total and i will there will before outPerson #4: Well, Breaking Dawn Will Be Split Into TWO Part Films, One Coming Out This November In 2011, And The Other Coming Out Around November In 2012. (This Is 'Cus The Book Was REALLY THICK AND LONG!)So Technicality Speaking, There Will Be 5 Films Overall, (But I'm hoping There's Ganna Be Much More.!)Hope I Helped. =)-sharde x. Person #5. There will be #1 Twilight #2 New Moon #3 Eclipse #4 Breaking Dawn, but Breaking Dawn will be cut into two part because it is so long so Breaking Dawn #1,#2. There is "twilight in forks" and they don't know where to stop so there might be another one called Midnight Sun. So in all there might be seven! Enjoy!

What movies is booboo Stewart in?

Booboo stewart has been in obiously twilight eclipse and twilight breaking dawn plus ¨smitty´´ logan dark games and how i survived in zombie land and many more but those arr the only ones i know about

Will there be a part 3 of twilight?

If you are referring to a third movie then the producers still are not certain. They will base it on the sales of New Moon which hits theatres November 20, 2009. If you are referring to a book then yes, the book is already out and you should check your local bookstore. It is named Eclipse and in my opinion, the best of the series. Hope that helped!

What is the fourth movie of the twilight?

1st - Twilight -Bella meets edward 2nd - New Moon -edward leaves Bella 3rd - Eclipse - Victoria comes back 4th - Breaking Dawn - Bella and edward get married

When is Breaking Dawn The Twilight Saga coming out?

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn movie may not be made into a movie. Summit are undecided but if they do, they will probably make it into two movies so they can fit everything in it.Go on for more or new information. You can also add Summit Entertainment or The Twilight Saga on Twitter.

Related questions

Will there be more books with the Twilight characters?

Ther are only four Twilight books: -Twilight -New Moon -Eclipse -Breaking Dawn

Is there going to be more twilight Sega movies after breaking dawn?

No, there are no more books to be turned into films.

Is twilight breaking dawn part 2 the last twilight?

yes, it is because there isn't any more books.

How many books sequels to twilight will there be?

3 more after twilight there is new moon then eclipse and lastly breaking dawn

Will their be more twilight after breaking dawn 2?

no, but you can still read the books and see the movies of course! :D

How many twlights are there going to be?

As of now, the Twilight series consists of four books written by Stephenie Meyer: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. There are also five movies based on these books. There are no plans for more books or movies in the series at this time.

Is there going to any more twilight films after breaking dawn?

Nomo, they probably no movies after breaking dawn

Why are there no more books after Breaking Dawn?

Because breaking dawn is the last book, dur

What are the 2 more twilight movies after braking dawn?

Books: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. I believe they are going to take the book Breaking Dawn and making two movies out of it b/c there is way too much info in it that they can't tell it all in one movie

Are there going to be any more Twilight movies after Twilight Breaking Dawn?

not that we know of but who knows.....

Will there be any more Twilight saga movies after breaking dawn?

There will not be any more sequels but there might be other twilight saga related movies. The Breaking Dawn movie will be split into 2 parts.

Will there be more twilight movies after breaking dawn part 2?

sadly no.