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Person #1:Four. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.

Person #2:There are going to be four films as there are four books 1st, Twilight, 2nd, New Moon, 3rd, Eclipse and last of all, 4th Breaking Dawn!!!!!!!!

no theres not thers going to be 6 films because there is 6 films in breaking dawn if you read it :)

Person #3:its a shame that there is going to be 4 films out in total and i will there will before out

Person #4: Well, Breaking Dawn Will Be Split Into TWO Part Films, One Coming Out This November In 2011, And The Other Coming Out Around November In 2012. (This Is 'Cus The Book Was REALLY THICK AND LONG!)

So Technicality Speaking, There Will Be 5 Films Overall, (But I'm hoping There's Ganna Be Much More.!)

Hope I Helped. =)

-sharde x. Person #5. There will be #1 Twilight #2 New Moon #3 Eclipse #4 Breaking Dawn, but Breaking Dawn will be cut into two part because it is so long so Breaking Dawn #1,#2. There is "twilight in forks" and they don't know where to stop so there might be another one called Midnight Sun. So in all there might be seven! Enjoy!

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13y ago

Right now,there are 2 films on DVD,Twilight, and New Moon.but later I think there will be 3 more...Eclipse,Breaking Dawn,and maybe that book from Jacobs or Edwards point of view. I don't think there will be a book because Stephanie Meyer stopped righting because the manuscript was posted on the internet but there will be two Breaking Dawn's because it is two parts.

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13y ago

There are four books in the series, but five movies because they decided to divide the last film in two.

1) Twilight

2) New Moon

3) Eclipse

4) Breaking Dawn (2 movies)

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13y ago

there are 4 but the forth isn't out yet but theres Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. Breaking Dawn is the one that's not out yet.

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11y ago

Five movies have been released. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn I and Breaking Dawn II.

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13y ago

Twilight , New Moon , Eclipse , Breaking Dawn Part 1 & Breaking Dawn Part 2 but Breaking Dawn Part 2 didn't come out yet.

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