her you mean, the author of twilight is 'stephanie meyer', yes her books have become movies! But the directors of twilight have tickletackled things in the book abit.
Star Wars IV: A New Hope (the movie) came out in 1977 before any books were written. The movies came first.
No. In the books, Lavender's fate was left unknown but as she was not attacked by Fenrir when he was in werewolf form she would not have become a werewolf. In the movies, Lavender died.
They rushed because there are alot more details in the Twilight Saga books, and the producers and screenwriters of the Movies cannot put every single little detail and line from the books into the movies!
Movies are basically more interesting than books, usually movies are more famous than its books. Sometimes, it is easier to understand when things are acted out especially when children or foreigners are watching..
say what now? the movies aren't done being made so how is anyone to know? If you want to know what happens read the books.
Good ones.
jeff kinney has wrote books and made them movies they are wimpy kid books.
No you can not become a vampire. They are not real and only exist in books and movies. They are not in real life.
Yes there are. The books were released before the movies were.
You can not become a vampire. They are not real and are only in books and movies. People can not change into other things.
yes a book
sometime in 2009. Don't really know, 2009 has already passed and there are no Leven Thumps movies. It doesn't look like there will be any for 2010. If they do make any Leven Thumps movies you could probably bet on 2012 or 2013.
None of Tammy's books have become movies. It's a shame.
No, but there might be one that comes into the movies in the future!
James and the Giant Peach , Charlie and the Chocolate Factory , Fantastic Mr. Fox , Matilda , The Witches and The BFG .