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1st - Twilight -Bella meets edward

2nd - New Moon -edward leaves Bella

3rd - Eclipse - Victoria comes back

4th - Breaking Dawn - Bella and edward get married

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the fourth movie is breaking dawn but is split into two parts to make it more intense and get everything included but it isnt released yet and is in the process of filming/editing

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Breaking dawn

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Q: What is the fourth movie of the twilight?
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The fourth movie in the Twilight film series is called "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1."

Is twilight the number one movie?

The movies go: first: Twilight second: New moon Third: Eclipse Fourth: Breaking dawn

Is there going to be a 4th twilight movie?

Yes, the fourth book will actually be made into 2 parts.

Will Taylor Lautner be in the next Twilight movie?

As everybody knows, Taylor Launter is SUPER fit. He WILL be in Eclipse, but there are doubts that him and fellow actor Robert Pattinson will not be in the fourth twilight movie, Breaking Dawn.

When does the fourth twilight move release?

The fourth twilight movie is Breaking Dawn and releases in two parts. Part 1 is released in cinemas on the 18th of November 2011 and Part 2 is released on the 16th of November 2012.

How many points is the fourth twilight book?

alot of points in the fourth twilight book