Edward knows...
That Bella will eventually be turned despite his best efforts.
And Alice will see their reasons,
and they will be ready like with Victoria in Eclipse.
I will be answering more twi-questions.
Wanna know?
Edward wasn't worried about the Volturi coming to find Bella because their tracker's talent relies on finding the "taste" of somebody's mind, but he wouldn't the taste of Bella's mind because of her mental shield. Therefore, Edward could hide her, and be confident that the Volturi wouldn't track her down.
Also, the Volturi could take years to think of coming to find Bella, due to the fact that they're so ancient that they count years like days.
Edward wanted to kill her at first because she was killing Bella and Edward was worried. I think that's why he wants to kill her (I haven't read the book but I know some info). Hope that helped!! well i have read the book and the reason Edward wanted to kill renesmee aka Nessie was because she was weakening Bella everyday and could kill her. she nearly did! But when Edward read Nessie's mind when she was inside Bella he learned that she didnt want to hurt Bella and was trying hard not to hurt her. its just that she was strong and growing fast but Bella wasnt growing fast enough for Renesmee.
Jeff Buckley wasnt gay.....
Jacod tried to help keep Bella alive by doing as Edward told him; he did CPR on her to keep her breathing........until at last.........the venom had to be injected into her because it wasnt enough. She did indeed, almost die.
no she wasnt worth it at the end
it wasnt me by shaggy
Edward wasn't worried about the Volturi threat because he believed their confrontation was inevitable and he was prepared to face them if needed to protect his family and loved ones. Additionally, his confidence in Bella's shield ability gave him reassurance that they could potentially overcome the threat.
There wasnt a battle that ended japans threat, inface U.S.A was losing but the two nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and nagasaki ended the Japanese threat.
no he wasnt xx
The rules were that Edward wasnt to step inside Bellas house again..Edward came thru the window instead.
he wasnt at first because the baby was killing Bella
he didnt it wasnt invented yet sorry
yes he is if he wasnt it wouldn't really be twilight would it
Edward leaves Bella, thinking she will be better off without him. Bella finds her she becomes very close friends with Jacob, who turns into a werewolf. Bella runs into Laurent hiking while he was hunting, he tells Bella that Victoria wants her dead for Edward killing her mate James. Bella hears Edwards vioce everytime that she is in danger, so she dives off a cliff. Alice sees her and tells Rosalie, who tells Edward. Edward thought that she was comitting suicide and succeeded. He cant live without her and tries to get himself killed, but Bella and Alice find him in time.
the small hill
he didnt marry because he couldn't find anyone suitable but then he found Bella swan
Bella chooses Edward of course but still loves Jacob and they kiss twice. Edward and Bella get married have sex and have a baby human/ vampire and Bella turns into a vampire. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ok look she never chooses Jacob or edward she loves edward more then Jacob that's y shes with edward it wasnt a choice for her between Jacob and edward shes with edward because she loves him and she wants to b with him forever and yeah she never chooses any of them shes just with the person she loves more remember in eclipse at the last part of the movie she said it wasnt a choice between u and Jacob
well really ur in no threat at all cause we have fed foxes loads of times in our back garden (out our hand) and they dont bite also we have a cat and one night the fox looked at our cat and wasnt botherd it just sat and licked us and it was a wild one it wasnt a pet!!!!!