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Darth Vader's suit wasn't wet.

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Q: Why was Darth Vader's suit wet during his death scene in Return of the Jedi?
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Did luke turn in to dark Vader?

It could be argued both ways. But directly he did not. He convinced his father to come back to the good side. When he did Darth Vader killed the emperer. That caused Darth Vader to die because it was only through the emperer's power that he was being kept alive. He was injuring by lava in his fight against obi whan. So when he killed the emperer Darth Vader died. So technically nobody killed Darth Vader he just died. However it also could be argued Luke is to blame. If he had not convinced Darth Vader to come back to the light side of the force he would not have died.

Who killed Anakin Skywalker?

in the end of star wars episode 6 nobody really kills Darth Vader/anakin skywalker but when he is throwing the emperor off the thing he gets shocked by his sith lightning and it keeps running trough his body because he is mostly made of metal so that's how he dies.In a way Darth Vader actually kills Anakin in Revenge of the Sith when he turns to the Dark Side of the Force, as hinted at by Obi-Wan Kenobi in Return of the Jedi.Anakin wasn't killed in the strictest definition. He redeemed himself when he saved his son Luke from being electrocuted to death by the Emperor, but doing so caused the lightning to compromise Vader's suit, which was pretty much a life support system. So Anakin's death was more of a sacrifice

The original Death Star was destroyed during what?

The battle of Yavin

When was Boba Fett created?

Boba Fett has not yet been killed in official Star Wars cannon.Yes, he did die by Han Solo accidently setting off his jetpack, making Boba flying away into the Great Pit of Carkoon, and being eaten by the monster in Return of The Jedi.No, Boba Fett did escape the sarlaac due to him firing off his blaster. Don't believe me? Look him up on the Wookieepedia website. But as for his real death, I don't think that has been confirmed yet.

Who killed Jabba the hutt in star wars?

Many things contributed: -he was shot by lightning -his helmet was taken off -and then he was burned No, he was burned in Episode 3 and survived, but he was burned in Episode 6 because he was dead and it was an ancient Jedi tradition to burn a dead Jedi. Luke gave Darth Vader an ancient Jedi tradition funeral pyre because he turned to the good side and was reborn as Anakin Skywalker. His helmet being taken off was a request to Luke to see him with his real eyes, not through his visor. His helmet being taken off didn't kill him, it was that he was mortally wounded from the Emperor's Force lightning because Vader tried to save his son from dying.

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Yes, Obi-wan and Darth Vader fight twice. Once on Mustafar, where Obi-wan was the victor, and once on the Death Star where Darth Vader killed Obi-wan.

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umm nah dip Death Star!

Do Toyota make planes?

Nope but they made the death star that darth vader lives in currently

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How does dark sidious die?

He died in Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. He was electrocuting Luke Skywalker to death and Darth Vader, now rekindled to his former self, sacrificed himself to save his son by picking up Sidious and throwing him into a power generator