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It could be argued both ways. But directly he did not. He convinced his father to come back to the good side. When he did Darth Vader killed the emperer. That caused Darth Vader to die because it was only through the emperer's power that he was being kept alive. He was injuring by lava in his fight against obi whan. So when he killed the emperer Darth Vader died. So technically nobody killed Darth Vader he just died. However it also could be argued Luke is to blame. If he had not convinced Darth Vader to come back to the light side of the force he would not have died.

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15y ago
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13y ago

No Darth sidious was shocking Luke to death and Annikan (Darth Vadar) couldn't take it any more so he pushed Darth Sidious off the rail thing but Darth Vadar ended up getting shocked and damaged very badly from Darth Sidious's lightning and he gets blown back. Darth Vadar has turned good again basicallynand now Darth Sidious is dead. SO luke is still alive and he tries to Save Darth vadar but Darth vadar said it was to late for him and luke took his helmet off so he could see luke with his own eyes and not his vision inhancers. Then Luke has to leave the ship and his father dies and burns with the ship and atb the end when they are having a celebration party because the madness is basically stopped, Obi-wan, Yoda, and Annikans spirits are there watching.

he does not burn with the ship, is son held a funeral for him and buried him

^ Noo Jedi are not buried they are burned because in episode 1 they burned QUi Gon Jin when he died and Luke watched as Darth Vadar burned along with the Death Star.

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7y ago

Yes. Anakin Skywalker does become Darth Vader.

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16y ago

No but he became evil for a short amount of time and nearly turned evil himself

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16y ago

no that is anikin skywalker that turns bad

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15y ago

Yes he did. I don't know much about it, but you can find out on Wookieepedia

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9y ago

No. Luke Skywalker is the son of Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker.

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14y ago

No. Anakin was the one who became Darth Vader. Luke did turn to the dark side later in his life, but that was only temporarily since his son, Ben Skywalker, brought him back

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14y ago

no it was his father Anakin Skywalker who turned into *darth vader.

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Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are 2 different people.

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Darth Vader actually is Luke's father.

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Depends on how you look at it. Luke did cut off Vader's prosthetic hand and then realized he was doing wrong and he was going down the dark road when he saw his own prosthetic hand. Then of course, the Emperor took advantage of Luke refusing to give in to the dark side.

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Luke was never evil but in the comic series Dark Empirehe was leaning toward the Dark Side but became a Jedi once more after defeating Palpatine's clone. Also, if you played Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Vader has a secret apprentice. The creators described the main character, Starkiller as the result if Luke joined Darth Vader as his apprentice.

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The character's name is Darth Vader, not dark Vader.

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Actually, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father

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not sure if you would call it that but at the end he killed the Emperor to protect his son. In the end, Darth Vader\Anakin Skywalker fulfilled the prophecy

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Yes, Luke is. Watch Episode 6 when Luka and Vader are walking up the steps in the Death Star. Luke's head comes to Vader's shoulder, and Vader was about 7 or 8 ft. tall.

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"No. Only Anakin, Luke's dad turns to the dark side because he thought he could save Padme's life."In the films, you are correct. The Emperor and Darth Vader attempted to turn him to the dark side, and it was a close thing, but he resisted the lure at the last moment.I the expanded universe, however, Luke was turned to the dark side by the Reborn Emperor. He allowed the Emperor to teach him and took his fathers former place at the Emperors' right hand in an effort to learn how best to defeat the Emperor. He was saved, however, by his sisters' love.Dark Empire comic series

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