After defeating Darth Malak, Revan journeyed into unkown space, leaving behind the ones who accompanied him in his quests to find the Star Forge. Darth Revan's death is not known, and he is not spoken of after that.
If you go to the meditation room it will be on the left. at the second locker . you will have a joice between Darth Revan, Darth Malak, Darth Traya (girls only),& Darth Nhilius. once you do that when you go to fight Kriea at the end pick " So this is how you die by your apprentice". Then you will see your self as the new Sith lord. ( this is for XBOX ONLY!!!!!!) * also you get the full costume* but where is this meditation room ive playeed the game 10 times over like where is it and i can be guy or girl for revan malak and nhilius?
If Revan is light side in both 1 and 2, then he travels into the unknown regions with T3 and never comes back. T3 comes back later and brings another of Revan's followers to help him.
??? I Like Mission X Revan
First go to FileFront and there is a mod called Revans Robes Revisioned. Then download it on kotor put the contents of the "Override" folder into your games Override folder (default: C:Program FilesLucasArtsSWKotOROverride). then start a new game or load one that is before you get to Dantooine.If you did it right you will find it on Nemo's body.And you can be light or dark side to wear it.
You can get a Darth maul lightsaber at Click on the scroll-down that says >Star Wars, click on lightsabers. Search Darth Maul and you can get one for $36.51 on the third page of Darth Maul lightsabers
Darth Revan vanished when he was defeated by an Imperial strike team, but it is not known whether he died.
you have to beat the game on elite then you save as Darth Revan. When that happens you get the playable Darth Revan, Darth Malak, and Darth Sion. But Darth Revan is the best you get to take off your cape, and you have every single jedi power. also you have unlimited force powers.*********( FOR ALL SYSTEMS)******************darth revan dosent even fit in the blankTHIS IS BULL CRAP DONT TRY IT ITS A WASTE OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darth Revan is well known for being the main character in the video game "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic". This character went by the name Revan at first until he was inducted into the Sith by the Emperor. After the induction occurred, Darth was added as part of Revan's name.
--Update-- Darth Revan can be found in the novel 'Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan' Along with a countless number of KotOR comic books.
Darth Revan
--Update-- Darth Revan of course. Revan was both Sith and Jedi, benefiting from the teachings of both, while Obi-Wan was nothing but an over rated Jedi Master.
A lot of people seem to think Revan. reven is da bomb
While Starkiller was undoubtedly an impressive fighter, Revan was a highly skilled Jedi Knight, and a very powerful Sith Lord. The greatest of the era. As awesome as Starkiller is, I'm afraid he'd be no match whatsoever to Darth Revan.
Jeff Bennett voices Darth Revan in the 2011 video game.
The first Sith King was Dathka Graush, but the first Sith Lord the title 'Darth' was Darth Revan.
Revan was born in 3994 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin).
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