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Why not clone? When you clone all your doing is leaving the " chance" out. Really all cloning is. breeding without male, female interaction. the interaction is now scientist for a closer end result of color,size, ect. taking the chance out. Also less likely for the freak, conjoined or, misformed, unless that is what is wanted.

Actually, there are a bunch of cons to this...

1. a very low chance of survival and once in an experiment, only 1 out of 841 embryos made it to birth

2. it's also very expensive and costs a lot of money, so why would we be wasting money on that, just breed some animals, there's no difference other than the fact that it's technically a GMO and artificial as well.

3. It's allegedly a sin.

4. Cloning is artificial, technically.

5. There's actually a way higher chance of mutations and diseases that may be incurable, which is why there's only like 2 humans cloned so far.

And finally, why WOULD you even clone? It's not like it's "cool" or anything, plus, cloning is against a LOT of religions and if you say you don't care, well guess what, we don't care either. We don't care if you like cloning since there is no way we are ever going to support cloning.

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