Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) make around 5 clone approx.
Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Multi Shadow Clone Technique) makes hundreds to thousands of clone.
Naruto Shippuden is going to have more then 500 episodes so four or five more years.
Kakashi was more like a mentor to Naruto. They were very close, but it was probably Jiraiya that thought of Naruto in more of a father and son type way.
In Naruto unleashed, the 9 tailed Fox spirit starts to break the seal and Naruto can use a lot more Jutsu and is a lot more powerful. In the manga, the more tails of charkra he grows the more he begins to look like 9 tails and when he is fighting Pain he gets to the 8th tail before he reverts to normal.
If you are asking "Does Naruto kill Pain?" then no he does not. When naruto confronts the real pain he decides not to kill him. Nagato (Pain's real name) is persuaded by Naruto that Naruto will find peace in the shinobi world and Nagato entrusts that he will do it. After entrusting Naruto with such an important job Nagato uses a resurrection technique that brings back every life he took while he destroyed Konoha. This technique ended up killing Pain/Nagato.
you need to be more specific...
No, there won't be any more Naruto after Naruto Shippuden.
In the Naruto series, characters like Naruto Uzumaki and Boruto Uzumaki have blue eyes but do not possess a specific eye technique like the Sharingan or Byakugan. Their abilities come from their own unique powers, such as Naruto's control of chakra and Boruto's Jougan eye.
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare has sold more than Naruto video games series
yes,you do so it can make more sense
yes, there is a 5th movie being released call "Bonds" were Sasuke and Naruto seem to be the mains
Perhaps when more Naruto Shippuden episodes are posted then they would make one.
ordinary naruto:210,naruto shippuden:still showing more and more episodes
Naruto,Bleach,one piece and many more
The author uses the rhetorical technique of repetition to emphasize key points and make their argument more persuasive.
yes there is one coming out on wedneday 22nd Oct 08 it is called naruto ninja destiny
dragon ball z is better cause naruto they only put make up so they look cool. dbz..........ROCKS plus goku can destroy naruto
yes and its out now its call naruto shippuden clash of ninja genkki tenzen 4 in japan here its called naruto shippuden clash of ninja revolution IIII genkki tenzen has more characters but its in japaness