It's rated R for strong crude & sexual content, violence, language and some nudity.
It is rated "R".
It was rated R (in the US).
The movie is rated R.
The reasonJennifer's Body is rated R is because of the sexuality, blood, gore, nudity and frighting scene's is why its rated R.
It's rated 'R' for violence and language.
The duration of MacGruber is 60.0 seconds.
MacGruber was created on 2007-01-20.
MacGruber ended on 2010-05-08.
MacGruber was released on 05/21/2010.
The Production Budget for MacGruber was $10,000,000.
The duration of MacGruber - film - is 1.5 hours.
At the end of "MacGruber," MacGruber and his team successfully thwart the villain's plan and save the day. The movie concludes with MacGruber riding off into the sunset with his love interest, Vicki St. Elmo.
MacGruber grossed $8,629,895 worldwide.
MacGruber - film - was created on 2010-05-21.
MacGruber grossed $8,525,600 in the domestic market.
in September
It is rated "R".