The reasonJennifer's Body is rated R is because of the sexuality, blood, gore, nudity and frighting scene's is why its rated R.
Jennifers Body
Unrated means the movie has not been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). Most older unrated movies are just not rated by the MPAA because they are generally PG in content, however newer films are unrated because of excessive gore or violence which would have to be cut in order to obtain a rating.
Screeching Weasel
Low Shoulder. (very unthreatening)
Yes, The Grudge (2004) is PG-13, although an Unrated version has also been released on DVD. The Unrated version will be clearly marked as "Unrated."However, the original Japanese version, Ju-On (2002) is rated R in the U.S.
No it is rated R, but there is an unrated version on DVD.
unrated ??
It is rated R (17) and there is also an unrated version of the film on the DVD.
there was... jennifer aboriginal guy jonas colin chip demon in jennifers body
An unrated film or an unrated version of a film is one that has not been submitted to the Motion Picture Association of America for a rating.
It is unrated
Jennifers Body
Legend of Grimrock is unrated.
It is unrated!
The original is unrated. The remake is rated R.