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Gandalf has several names, depending on the language of those he is dealing with:

  • Gandalf - Common Speech; used by men, hobbits, etc.
  • Mithrandir - Sindarin; used by most elves
  • Olorin - Valarin; used by the Valar & Maiar in the Undying Lands (his original name, as he is of the Maiar)
  • etc.
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Q: Why is Gandalf called Mithrandir?
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How do the elves call Gandalf?

Gandalf is called Mithrandir by the elves which means 'Grey-Pilgrim' or 'Grey-Wanderer'.

What is gandalf's full name?

Gandalf was known by different names to different peoples: Gandalf to Northern men, Mithrandir to the elves and Dunedain (as in Gondor), and Tharkun to the Dwarves. Olorin was his true name as a Maia.

What is Gandalf's surname?

Gandalf does not have a particular last or sir name. His is called by many names by different races, creeds and peoples. The most common are Gandalf the grey or white, gandalf greyhelm or Mithrandir. There may be more, but I cannot remember off the top of my head. Actually, the name is greyhame (cloak), and he is also known as Stormcrow by Rohan.

What name is the Maya Olorin known most commonly as in both The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings?

He is called Gandalf most often, though Mithrandir comes up alot too.

What are the different names for Gandalf?

His known names, usually given to him by various peoples: -Gandalf ("Elf of the Wand", though he is not an elf) by various peoples. Titled as "Gandalf the Grey" and "Greyhame" or later "Gandalf the White". -Mithrandir (Sindarin "Grey Pilgrim", "Grey Wanderer") from the Elves, also used by the Men of Gondor. -Tharkûn, from the Dwarves. -Incánus, from somewhere in the South. -Olórin, which he was called in the West in Aman. He has also been called various other things, some of therm derogatory, although they are not used as proper names.

What is Gandalf's sword called?

Gandalf's sword is called Glamdring, or "Foe Hammer."

You shall not pass Gandalf?

To my knowledge there is not anyone who said those words, though Gandalf said "You shall not pass" in the first movie "The Fellowship of the Ring" while attempting to defeat the Balrog in Moria. The Black Knight in Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail uses that phrase.

What was the name of gandalf sword in Hobbit?

Gandalf's sword is called Glamdring, 'foe-hammer'.

What is the basic background behind the character Gandalf?

The basic background behind the character Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings Series is that he is a wizard. He is initially called Gandalf the Grey but after resurrecting he is then referred to Gandalf the White.

What nicknames does Kamil Holys go by?

Kamil Holys goes by Mithrandir.

What was the name of Gandalf's sword in Lord of the Rings?

Gandalf bore the sword Glamdring; "Foe-Hammer". The orcs of the Misty Mountains called it 'beater'.

What two colors is Gandalf the wizard in Lord of the Rings known by?

Gandalf was originally known as Gandalf the Grey. After his rebirth, he became Gandalf the White in replacement of Saruman. Gandalf the Grey and after his resurrection he became Gandalf the White.