He's not actually a bat.. but when he was a young boy he was trapped in a well and he was afraid of bats from then on. So to conquer his fear he became it..
Batman Returns
They call him BAT
In "The Batman" animated TV show, Joker disguises himself as Batman in the "The Laughing Bat" episode.
Batman: The Movie: Adam West Batman, Batman Returns: Michael Keaton Batman Forever: Val Kilmer Batman & Robin: George Clooney Batman Begins, The Dark Knight: Christian Bale
It's either with the Bat-signal, the JLA call him, or he just shows up.
Batman is called Batman because he dresses as a bat.
Batman Returns
batman 2players game will start now.Batman could fight anyone.Batman called bat man because.He is a bat and a man.
Batman's hideout is the batcave. It is located beneath Wayne Manor.
Batman and Bat mobile in Grand theft auto IV is a mod that has to be downloaded
I'd say a batman costume is probably better than just a bat one. Then again this is a strickly you're own opinion question. just ask whoever is wearing the costume which they would prefer
Get batman balloons, cupcakes with bat symbol on it. Guy dressed up as batman. etc.
They call him BAT
the bat mobil
They call him BAT
The protrusions from the Batman costume's skullcap represent bat ears, not horns.
in batman begins the acter who played in it was christian bale