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In "The Batman" animated TV show, Joker disguises himself as Batman in the "The Laughing Bat" episode.

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Q: What episode of the Batman does The Joker act like batman?
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Who was the first bad guy batman fought?

Lewis Wilson play Batman in the first Batma n serial movie in 1933. Then Robert Lowery in 1939 in Batman and Robin : Relentless Crusaders for Justice!it was the year 1943 in which Lewis Wilson frist played the role of Batman in the first 15 serials. and 1949 in which Robert lowery played Batman in the second set of 15 serials.Unless you're talking purely about the comics continuity, in which case there's a sort of trick answer. Bruce Wayne's father, Thomas Wayne, dressed up like a "Bat-Man" for a costume party when Bruce was a little boy (he still has the costume), but Bruce himself was the first person to use a Batman persona to fight crime. When Bane broke Batman's back, Azreal breifly was Batman.

How does Batman looks like?

This is what batman’s girlfriend looked Like look down at the photo 👇🏻

Did Jeff Goldblum play Batman?

Yes he did and he probably would like to forget it.

Who is the main protagonist in The Dark Knight?

The protagonist in The Dark Knight is surprisingly the Joker. He is still the villain but if you observe closely he has an agenda and Batman's only goal is to stop him. This would put the Joker as the film's protagonist and Batman as the antagonist. This similar style of a villain based protagonist can be seen in Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula" where the vampire count is the protagonist and "good-guy" vampire slayer Van Helsing is the antagonist, simply attempting to put an end to vampires deeds.

Is batman secretly in love with robin?

They have something of a history together.

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Who doesn't Batman like?

the joker and the people that doesn't understand why he is Batman

What episode does Batman fight Jason Todd?

theres many of places where you can see when batman found robin. i know one if you watch dc comics kids collection the batman the complete fourth season the first episode is where batman and robin meet you can find facts on this episode that are much like the comic book. like tony zucco killed dicks parents. why dick choose the name robin. stuff like that. dick choose the name robin because his mom call him that it was his nickname

What cartoon does the joker make robin his son?

Because robin never focus on his job batman gave him and robin acts like a dummy. So does that answer your question?

Who killed Riddler in Minecraft?

Batman. Batman meant to do that. Batman dropped him in vats where Joker changed his face. Riddler wanted to kill Batman so he could treat his hostages like prisoners. Riddler sank 3 times. Batman told the hostages to get free. And they did. That's the true story. Riddler got burned 2 times. Batman let Riddler be miserable.

Was Lex Luthor a villain for Superman?

Everyone knows he is Superman's archnemesis- just like the Joker is Batman's.

In which episode did Robin become Batman's sidekick?

Depends on which Robin and which Batman series you're talking about. For an educated guess, I'm go with Batman: The Animated Series and The New Adventures of Batman. In Batman: TAS, Dick Grayson, like in the comics, was the first Robin. The last episode of Dick Grayson as Robin is the NAoB episode "Holiday Knights" In the NAoB, Tim Drake assumes the role of Robin in "Sins of the Father". Eventually he takes on the Role of Batman's new Sidekick

Which Batman movie is the best and Why?

Batman (1989). Because its was very classic and original Batman movie that time. The Batman theme and the storyline was so great. Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger play their role very good. Most of all, I like the part where Batman fighting against the Joker and the Joker members. It's so awesome. Some more that time their movie was on the list of Top 10 1989 movies. Batman (1989) was a runner-up in 2nd place. Although Batman (1989) was a runner-up, but I consider their movie was a best superhero movie of all time.

How do you act like the joker?

you act wild and crazy The Joker is very unpredictable, almost always smiling, and loves to cause chaos, especially when it involves the Batman.

Does anyone know mods for batman arkham origin on the ps3?

Ichigobad: By mods I mean like make Batman look like Joker cause I know PC gamers can easily do it and some 360 users but idk about PS3

Does the joker die in the dark knight and how does he die?

The Joker doesn't die because if you watch at the end batman uses his grappling gun and ties him upside down. Two-Face/Harvey Dent is the one who dies at the end of The Dark Knight he dies when batman dives for Commissioner Gordon's son.

What is the Batman logo meaning?

You like Batman?

Who was Batman's main enemy?

uh, the JOKER. there are other big criminals like Penguin, Killer Croc, Red Hood, Scarecrow, Poisn Ivy, Harley Quinn, Ras Al Ghul etc, but the Joker is the main criminal for Batman. And... Ras Al Ghul is a big one too.