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In the hovercraft, all of the Capitol people are keeping their distance because they think she has gone mad and is flithy.

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if it was after The Hunger Games then it was because she was mad about peeta being operated on and worried, she turned into a crazy-mad woman. no one wanted to go near her.

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Because she knows that any alliance she formed would only be temporary and she couldn't stand the thought of having to be the one to end the alliance

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because they think she won unfair

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They think she has gone mad

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Q: Why doesnt katniss want to get close to any of the tributes in the hunger games?
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What was the first gift katniss receivedfrom her sponsors and what was it used for?

the first gift she was given was burn medicine. she used this to heal a burn wound she received when the Gamemakers attempted to use fire to force her close to the other tributes.

What does friendship symbolize in the hunger games?

Love is represented in many ways in the hunger games. One way is Katniss risking her life to get food for her family by going out in the woods to hunt, which is illegal. Another way love is represented is when Katniss took her sisters place in the reaping when Prim's name was called for her to go into the arena. Katniss also helped a little girl while she was in the arena. (The girls name was Rue.) While in the arena, Katniss cares for Peeta and risks her life to get the medicine he needs t survive. And in the end of the actual hunger games challenge, Peeta and Katniss where willing to both die than to let the other die in order to live them selves. So they both grabbed a handful of poisonous berries that would kill them as soon as they hit their stomachs and chewed them. They didn't know what would happen next but the announcer told them to spit them out and they did. And in the end, they both survived the Hunger Games, becoming victors. Together. <3

Who was in the valley in The Hunger Games?

If you mean in the meadow song, then the answer is, nobody with a name. It's never mentioned. But several times it's implied that that's where Rue goes after she dies. Generally, it's the series' version of heaven. If you meant the valley in the first arena - opposite the forest - then the answer is, Thresh. The male tribute from District 11. He hid there for most of the Games and only came out for the feast, where he killed Clove. Then Cato went and found him there.

Why doesnt Haymitch Abernathy send katniss water?

because he was trying to send her signals not to give up yet and that she was almost there. at first she thought it was because he disliked her but then realized he was saving it for when she was nowhere near a stream and desperate.

How does the narrators point of view of the Hunger Games affect the work as a whole?

The series is in first person view so you can't hear the thoughts of some of the other characters and you could have a more close relationship with the main character. Also, in the end Katniss writes a book about her life and I have the feeling that that book is the Hunger Games so for obvious reasons it would be first person.

Related questions

Why don't Katniss want to get close to any tributes in the hunger games?

She didn't want to become allies with them then having to kill them later on if they're the only ones left.

What does Katniss name stand for on hunger games?

Katniss was named after the katniss roots that grow in streams at the meadow close to District 12.

What does the reaping symbolize in the Hunger Games?

Uh, what it symbolizes? Hm, the close to what I think of is ... it's the ceremony to announce the tributes (one female and one male) for the hunger games

Who are the mutts that chase the remaining tributes in the hunger games?

The mutts look like wolves, only with some human qualities. Not exactly werewolves, but very close. The creepiest\most interesting thing about them, is that their eyes and fur are made to look like the dead tributes that died in the Games.

What causes Katniss's ear to bleed in the hunger games?

When Cato's food stash blows up Katniss is standing too close, the impact of the boom causes her ear to bleed.

What was the first big event Katniss from the Hunger Games did that had a outcome?

The absolute first event in the hunger games that Katniss caused was when she disobeyed Haymitch and ran for the bow and arrow and didn't retreat. She also attempted to get an orange backpack. Another player got into a fight for the backpack and got stabbed in the back. Not that major though. The first major event, that sticks out the most, is when Katniss gets chased up a tree by Careers. She then realizes the has come close to a tracker jacker nest. This is her first major encounter with Rue. She was the one who pointed out the nest. She causes the nest to fall among the Careers. many get stung and some die. This caused her to be hated by the selected capitol tributes she killed.

What was the first gift katniss receivedfrom her sponsors and what was it used for?

the first gift she was given was burn medicine. she used this to heal a burn wound she received when the Gamemakers attempted to use fire to force her close to the other tributes.

Who are the main characters in the hungers games book 1?

The main characters in "The Hunger Games" book 1 are Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Gale Hawthorne. Katniss is the protagonist, a strong-willed and skilled archer. Peeta is her fellow District 12 tribute in the Hunger Games, and Gale is her close friend back in District 12.

How many days did Katniss Everdeen go without water?

In the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen went three days without water while participating in the games. She was close to dehydration and had to find water to survive.

What is the author's purpose in chapter 7 of Hunger Games?

the purpose of chapter 7 in the book the hunger games was to allow my readers to understand how Katniss feels before the hunger games begins and to understand her determenation to winning the hunger games .It is a tad bit confusing for some of my readers to understand the purpose of the flashbacks that Katniss has but you need to understand her close relationship between Katniss and Primrose and why she wants to keep her promise to her and why later in the book that promise becomes more serious when rue dies (because Katniss thinks she reminds her of Primrose) and doesn't want primrose to die because she failed to come back as a victor and feed primrose and her actually chapter7 is a VERY IMPORTANT chapter in the hunger games. Sincerely, Suzanne Collins

Who is roo ba in the Hunger Games?

If ur speaking of the person i think,then she is the African American girl from district 11. Friends with Katniss and very close allie in The Hunger Games...Her name is Rue and her partner from District 11 was Thresh. Hope that helps. ~Sweeker2~

What does friendship symbolize in the hunger games?

Love is represented in many ways in the hunger games. One way is Katniss risking her life to get food for her family by going out in the woods to hunt, which is illegal. Another way love is represented is when Katniss took her sisters place in the reaping when Prim's name was called for her to go into the arena. Katniss also helped a little girl while she was in the arena. (The girls name was Rue.) While in the arena, Katniss cares for Peeta and risks her life to get the medicine he needs t survive. And in the end of the actual hunger games challenge, Peeta and Katniss where willing to both die than to let the other die in order to live them selves. So they both grabbed a handful of poisonous berries that would kill them as soon as they hit their stomachs and chewed them. They didn't know what would happen next but the announcer told them to spit them out and they did. And in the end, they both survived the Hunger Games, becoming victors. Together. <3