Resnesmee is Bella's daughter. Just like any other mother, if her child was in trouble, she would want to save their child because she loes her daughter and so does Edward.
The volturi want to fight the Cullen family because of renesmee ( daughter of Bella and edward ) also because Bella is not a vampire and she knows to much about vampires. hope this helps x
Edward went to Italy because he thought Bella was dead and he couldn't live without her.He also wanted to die; the thought of life without Bella was unbearable, so he went to the Volturi to ask them to kill him.
The volturi do not get an invite to their wedding however one of Edwards cousins goes to the volturi and tells them they have had a baby and the volturi want this baby -hope this helped
In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward make love on Isle and Bella discovers she is pregnant, this baby almost kills her and grows very fast. Bella, Renesmee and Jacob go hunting, and Irina, another vampire sees Renesmee and immediately assumes she is an immortal child. She goes to the volturi and tells them. A month later, the volturi arrive in forks to be met with the Cullen's and other covens to witness that Renesmee is in fact half vampire, half human. The volturi kill Irina for giving false information, and leave the Cullens be (: Hope this helps!
Bree broke the rules and carlisle offered for her to become a Cullen but the volturi did not allow it so Jane told Felix to kill her
Bella did not kill a volturi because it is imposable for a human to kill a vampire. Sorry believe me I wish.
Bella did not kill any of the volturi members, although she wanted to kill Jane if it came to a fight.
Edward went to the volturi when he thought that Bella was dead ... And he went there to ask from the volturi to kill him ... but they didn't kill him ...
No Edward does not kill their daughter, he protects her from the Volturi.
No, they are unable to.
bella really didnt want to kill anyone because she was afraid that they would kill her and her family
no but the Volturi come and think about it.
The volturi want to fight the Cullen family because of renesmee ( daughter of Bella and edward ) also because Bella is not a vampire and she knows to much about vampires. hope this helps x
Renesmee (Bella's and Edwards kid) lives. The volturi don't kill her. =D
The Volturi come to kill Nessie (Reneesme) but they don't kill anyone
NO, of course not!!! Bella stops him from going into the sun!
There are a few ways you can do this. Kill/kidnap Bella and Alice. Do what they do to James and Victoria OR Rat him out to the Volturi