Chapter 2 of Breaking Dawn is the story of Edward and Bella telling Charlie.
Because there's no probable reason for Edward and Bella to be married so soon,and during the discussion, Charlie jumped to conclusions.
At first, he wants Bella to have an abortion because he was afraid of what would happen. But Bella refuses and has Rosalie protect her..but then, as he can start to hear the baby inside Bella, he really wants to be a father and have the baby, but it could kill Bella......
Little Edward.
Nope. Charlie leaves before Bella goes to school and comes home after she gets home. why does it matter??
Charlie was very upset that Edward broke Bella's heart, and he wanted Bella to be happy. When Charlie learned about their wedding, he accepts Bella's decision.
After Bella says she was lucky Edward was there Charlie says "Edward? Is that your boy?"
after Bella says she was lucky Edward was there charlie says "Edward? Is that your boy?"
Chapter 2 of Breaking Dawn is the story of Edward and Bella telling Charlie.
he grounded Bella and banned edward from the house. {not permanently}
yes in real life charlie is bella's real live charlie is called billy and bella is kristen .if you want to know bella and edward are in love for real the way edward is called robert.
Edward's "adoptive" parents are Carlisle and Esme and Bella's parents are Renee and Charlie.
No, Bella's dad Charlie doesn't know at all.
Bella went to Edwards school
Bella says something about Edward and he says "Edward?, Your boy?"