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Chapter 2 of Breaking Dawn is the story of Edward and Bella telling Charlie.

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Q: What chapter does charlie find out about Bella and edward being engaged?
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When is the wedding of edward and Bella?

they get married in the first chapter of breaking dawn ''engaged''the most exicing chapter ever because Bella turns into a vampire

What happens after the second chapter of Breaking Dawn?

in the second chapter Bella and edward tell charlie and renee about the wedding!

In breaking dawn what does Charlie think Bella and Edward want to talk to him about?

that Bella is pregent... But they really just wanted to tell him that their engaged

In the book eclipse what happens in chapter 20?

\chapter 20/Compromise/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Baisically, Bella tries to seduce Edward, Edward says no, but that he would if she married him and they have a few arguments. They end up engaged and Edward shows Bella the ring... The end...:]

What is in the first chapter of Breaking Dawn?

Go to this website and you can read the first chapter of all the Twilight saga books aswell as The host! :) *************************************************************************************** the 1st chapter of breaking dawn is called engaged and it is when Bella and edward tell charlie they are getting married

In what chapter does edward ask to marry Bella?

Edward Asks Bella To Marry Him In Chapter 24. Vote

When does edward and Bella get engaged?


Did Charlie ever accept Edward?

Charlie was very upset that Edward broke Bella's heart, and he wanted Bella to be happy. When Charlie learned about their wedding, he accepts Bella's decision.

What happens to Edward and Bella in Eclipse?

Bella and Edward get engaged. They were engaged in New Moon. THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!!!! They get married in Breaking Dawn.

Witch chapter did edward leave Bella in?

Edward leaves Bella in New Moon chapter 3, page 60. =)

What choices does Bella make?

The choice Bella makes is Edward in the movie Eclipse she chooses Edward and they get engaged!

What does Charlie say to Carlisle when he comes to treat Bella after the first accident?

After Bella says she was lucky Edward was there Charlie says "Edward? Is that your boy?"