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Because Buttercup is Prim's cat and whenever Prim is down, Buttercup is the "cure" to her sadness

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Q: Why does Katniss take the cat buttercup back to district 13?
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What district was the that katniss took the backpack from the first day?

She didnt take it from anyone, the people suplied backpacks.

What is the Climax in the book The Hunger Games?

The force field that keeps them in the game breaks by an electrical force and Katniss is taken away by people from district 13 (district 12 was destroyed by the Capitol) and she is told that Peeta was captured by the Capitol. More then half of the districts created a new district(district 13) that was blown up a few years back, and the people recreated it underground. They were planning before the Quell was announced, that they would break open the force field durring the games. After it is discovered that Katniss and Peeta were to return to the arena, the planned to take Katniss and Peeta after the force field is blown up, but they end up taking just Katniss. They think that the Capitol will use Peeta as bait to bring Katniss to them and reveal the under ground city in district 13. Haymitch knew the whole time but didn't want Katniss and Peeta to know. They wouldn't have made alliances with the districts as apart of the rebellion. District 12 was destroyed, but gale saved many District 12 before the explosion and escaped to the woods. That is all you learn in that book, but there is more about the escape to be learned in the 3rd book.

Who is the first person to die in the arena in Hunger Games?

the first to die is the boy that was fighting with katniss for the book sack and he gets a knife through his back by a girl {dont know the districts sorry} well accually, sorry the person who wrote above but they didnt say for sure that that was the first person to die it was just a bunch of ppl at the start for the cornicopia

How are Katniss and prim related?

they are related because Prim is the sister of Katniss

Why did Katniss volunteer to take her sisters place in the reaping?

katniss volunteered because of Prim(rose) , her younger sister. Kattniss will do anything for her loved ones.

Related questions

What district tokens did Katniss and Peeta Mellark take into the arena in Catching Fire THE BOOK?

Katniss takes her pin, Peeta takes a locket.

What district was the that katniss took the backpack from the first day?

She didnt take it from anyone, the people suplied backpacks.

What was Katniss given to take with her into the arena?

Cinna gave her a heavy duty jacket so she'll keep warm and he discreetly added the mockingjay pin Katniss brought with her so that it would be a symbol of her district

What does Gale Hawthorne suggest to Katniss they do in part 1 Chapter 1?

Run away from District 12 and out of the oversight of all of Panem and the Capitol. After Katniss asks about her family, Gale suggests they take them with them, to which Katniss is skeptical about her sister, Prim, in the woods.

What is the people in every district like from the Hunger Games?

District One- Luxury, Glimmer and Marvel District Two- Masonry, Clove and Cato District Three- Electronics, Both names unknown District Four- Fishing, Both names unknown District Five- I'm not %100 sure but, I think it is power, Names never given, but Katniss nicknamed girl "fox face" District Six- I think it's transportation, Both names unknown District Seven- Lumber, Unknown District Eight- Textiles, Unknown District Nine- Grain, Unknown District Ten- Livestock, Unknown District Eleven- Agriculture, Rue and Thresh District 12 - Coal Mining, Katniss and Peeta ( Prim was supposed to take Katnisses Place, But Katniss volunteered.) District 13- now blown up, but was Graphite Mining, Never heard of, Unknown

Why did Katniss go in the arena?

Because on reaping day, two names are picked from each district. One boy and one girl. If your name is picked, you are forced to go into the arena. Katniss's sister Primrose got picked, so Katniss volunteered to take her place in the arena.

What is the Climax in the book The Hunger Games?

The force field that keeps them in the game breaks by an electrical force and Katniss is taken away by people from district 13 (district 12 was destroyed by the Capitol) and she is told that Peeta was captured by the Capitol. More then half of the districts created a new district(district 13) that was blown up a few years back, and the people recreated it underground. They were planning before the Quell was announced, that they would break open the force field durring the games. After it is discovered that Katniss and Peeta were to return to the arena, the planned to take Katniss and Peeta after the force field is blown up, but they end up taking just Katniss. They think that the Capitol will use Peeta as bait to bring Katniss to them and reveal the under ground city in district 13. Haymitch knew the whole time but didn't want Katniss and Peeta to know. They wouldn't have made alliances with the districts as apart of the rebellion. District 12 was destroyed, but gale saved many District 12 before the explosion and escaped to the woods. That is all you learn in that book, but there is more about the escape to be learned in the 3rd book.

How does Katniss usually travel?

Katniss and Peeta another tribute from District 12 will in a horse drawn carrage wearing their stylist, Cinna's, amazing fire out fits. Now from there on out Katniss will be ''The Girl On Fire.''

Who gave katniss the mockingjay pin in the book the hunger games?

Madge Undersee.Madge Undersee was the mayor's daughter, and one of Katniss's closest friends, though she was never really sure of this fact due to Madge's shy quietness.In The Hunger Games, while in the visiting room before deporting to the Capitol, Madge visits Katniss and gives her the Mockingjay pin, which used to be Madge's aunt's, Maysilee Donner, as her District 12 token. Madge then kissed Katniss on the cheek shyly and left.Note: In the film adaption of The Hunger Games, Prim, Katniss's sister, gives her the Mockingjay pin after Katniss purchases it for Prim for good luck.

When did the rebellion form in The Hunger Games?

It formed from the moment Katniss pulled out the berries. The first 'rebellion' happened in district 3 after katniss visited the district for the victory tour.

Who are the main characters in hunger games?

Katniss Everdeen is the main character and she is a girl from District 12 that volunteers to compete in the Hunger Games in the place of her sister.Peeta Mellark is the one other person that is chosen also from District 12 to enter the Hunger Games and later falls in love with Katniss. His family runs a bakery.Gale Hawthorne is a boy that is a little older than Katniss and lives in the District also. He is Katniss' best friend. Katniss helps and sometimes supports his family.Primrose Everdeen is Katniss' younger sister. Katniss takes her place in the Hunger Games. She cares for Prim very much and took her place to protect her.Haymitch Abernathy is Katniss and Peeta's mentor in the Hunger Games, one of the two to win from District 12. He has a tendency to drink a lot.Effie Trinket is the escort for District 12, and has bright pink hair. She draws the names in the Reaping.See 'related links' for more.The main character is Katniss Everdeen. She's named after a water root. Then there's Peeta Mellark. The baker's son. And there's Gale Hawthorne, which is Katniss's best friend before the Hunger Games actually take place. Prim (Primrose) Everdeen is Katniss's younger sister. There's a lot more but there's the basics, I guess.The main charecters are katniss and peeta but you have haymitch Effie primrose Finnick Johanna beetee wiress Plutarch and mags

What is katniss's mothers job from the hunger games?

She went to District 4 with Annie to start a hospital there.