becauseJames (a vampire intent on killing Bella) broke it when he was trying to get Edward to avenge Bella's death
I am still reading Breaking Dawn, but all my friends told me what happens. If you like surprises, don't read the rest of this article. Edward and Bella. Bella has a baby vampire girl named Renesme. Bella dies for about two minutes but comes back as a vampire.
Alice can't leave Bella because before she is bitten James crushes her leg and fractures her skull so she is bleeding loads. Carlisle has to stop the bleeding if Edward wanted to suck out the venom. So Alice has to Splint her broken leg.
I do not believe there is a point of falling action in Twilight, or for that matter, any of the four books. The suspense and thrill holds steady till the very last page of Breaking Dawn. I was bitten by the Twilight bug and there is no cure. And strangely, I don't really care.
Bella's step-dad is named Phil. He plays minor league baseball, and he and Bella's mother (Renee) move out to Jacksonville, Florida. (This prompts Bella to move up to Forks, Whashington, to live with her dad, Charlie.) Phil breask his leg - though I'm not sure what book this is actually in. Bella does not mind him. She thinks that Phil is nice, and knows that her mother really likes him.
he had to get the bleeding to stop in Bella's leg. If you read the book, the answer is... Carlisle was busy trying to stop the bleeding from Bella's head. In the movie, the answer is... Carlisle was busy trying to stop the bleeding from Bella's leg. Either way, it is important for the saga that Edward to be the one to save her from the venom. His resolve to not change her and his resolve to not kill her must be established early and forcefully.
In the book Twilight, Bella Swan wears a pair of ballet flats to the prom as they are more comfortable for dancing and walking around.
Bella wears a blue dress, One Blue shoe held on by ribbon(she only wears one because her leg was broken by James), her cast because of her broken leg and she has a blue hand bag all clothes given to her by alice.
Bella broke her left leg. She did not break her foot. James squeazing her leg too tight.
I am still reading Breaking Dawn, but all my friends told me what happens. If you like surprises, don't read the rest of this article. Edward and Bella. Bella has a baby vampire girl named Renesme. Bella dies for about two minutes but comes back as a vampire.
god i love the film and the book. it depends where you start from. edward saves Bella from James but almost kills her when he has to suck the venom from her hand which James bit. Bella then wakes up in hospital and her mom is there. Bella has a broken leg and has had to have a blood transfusion. edward takes Bella to prom and then she talks about becomeing a vampire but edward won't let her be changed.
No but Bella breaks her leg from James.
In the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer, Bella hurt her leg in the ballet studio when James attacks her. Her right leg is injured during the struggle.
Bella goes to prom with Edward, with her leg in cast.
Broken leg
In the movie Twilight, James intentionally breaks Bella's leg during the ballet studio scene. He does this to provoke the Cullens in order to get their attention and make them respond to his threat against Bella.
James snapped it under his leg and it broke. She says it in the last book breaking dawn and it shows in the movie and first book, Twilight.
With his hand.