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Essentially Jack offers them irresponsible fun, hunting and killing pigs, having meat to eat and the security of being part of an armed tribe based in the easily defensible castle rock. By comparison in the eyes of the boys all that Ralph has to offer is the responsibility of tending to a fire, building shelters and looking after a load of littlun all in remote chance that they might one day get rescued.

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Q: Why do most of the bigger boys go off with Jack?
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How do the boys feel about Jack's departure?

the other boys feel like they need to jack in the group. while they are building the signal fire the boys sneak off and go and join Jack's group.

Who leads the boys off the island?

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Why did the ship fail to see the boys?

the fire on top of the mountain was out. Jack had taken the boys who were supposed to be keeping the fire alight away to hunt, meaning the fire was unattended and there was no smoke for a ship to see and hence the boys be rescued

How do you know that most the boys are strangers to each other before the crash?

At the start of the book Piggy asked Ralph what his name was so it was obvious they didn't know each other. Once Ralph had blown the conch and boys had started to arrive at the platform Piggy asked them for their names, evidence that they were strangers to him. When the choir, led by Jack, arrived Piggy made introductions, which indicated that the boys in the choir didn't know any of the other boys. At the end of the meeting when Ralph, Simon and Jack were heading off to climb the mountain Ralph told Piggy that his job was to collect names. If he'd known the other boys he'd have already known their names.

What reason does Ralph give for the boys defection to jack lotf?

Piggy states that the other boys have deserted them, "Just for some meat ----" Ralph adds the following reasons for the other boys defection to Jack, I quote, "And for the hunting, " said Ralph, wisely, "and for pretending to be a tribe, and putting on war-paint."

Related questions

How do the boys feel about Jack's departure?

the other boys feel like they need to jack in the group. while they are building the signal fire the boys sneak off and go and join Jack's group.

How can you tell at the next meeting that Jack has grown very antagonistic towards Ralph?

Jack basically tries to publicly usurp Ralph's role as chief. Jack accuses Ralph of not being a "real" chief. He accuses Ralph of being weak, liking Piggy and making the boys do boring things. He chastises Ralph for fearing the beast and not getting meat. Jack then asks for a re-vote. The boys don't openly vote Ralph out. Jack goes into tantrum mode and storms off. Most of the boys join him later.

Why do some of the boys leave Ralph and go off to Jack's group?

Some boys leave Ralph and join Jack's group because Jack offers them a more exciting and immediate sense of power and freedom. Jack's group focuses on hunting and fun while Ralph's group is concerned with maintaining order and building shelters. The boys are drawn to Jack's charisma and the thrill of the hunt.

What do the boys all run off to do in the book Lord of the Flies?

When Ralph, Simon and Jack return from climbing the mountain and explain to a meeting of all the boys that they are indeed on an island. Ralph then suggests that in order to increase their chances of being rescued they should build a signal fire on the top of the mountain. All the boys then immediately run off, led by Jack, to build a fire.

How old are the boys off justice crew?

Most of the boys in Justice Crew are 20 and 21

Who leads the boys off the island?

Wikianswers does not provide answers to assignments or homework questions. Furthermore, it appears that you have not read the assigned material.

What is patterdale Jack Russell temperment?

The Jack Russell Terrier is a fearless dog with a mind of it's own. A Jack Russell will go off on it's own adventures and even pick fights with bigger dogs.

Do boys get put off by spots?

No. Most men and boys do not get put off by small beauty marks and moles. Some even find them particularly attractive.

In lord of the flies who are the hunter?

The hunters are Jack Merridew and his followers, the choir kids. They hunt the pigs on the island, and are supposed to keep the fire going.

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Why do the boys insist on following jack in lord of the flies chapter 9?

The boys follow Jack because he promises them protection and food. They are afraid of the beast and believe that Jack's tribe offers safety and resources. Additionally, Jack uses fear and manipulation to control the boys and keep them loyal to him.

How does jack control his tribe?

Jack storms off, humiliated and crying. He vows to form a new group, and says anyone can join him when he hunts. He disappears into the forest. Everyone is stunned, but the meeting continues. The boys build the fire and the littleuns dance and sing. After the fire, Ralph realizes that all the biguns but Samneric and Piggy have disappeared. Most have gone to join Jack.Elsewhere in the jungle, Jack declares himself chief of the boys who have joined him. As chief, he says he's going to get more "biguns away from the conch." He also says that when his tribe hunts they'll leave some of the kill for the beast. That way, it won't bother them. Jack leads the boys into the forest.