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Because they always skate on thin ice when it comes to spending money!

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Q: Why didn't the figure skater pay for dinner?
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Do you have to pay if you were invited to dinner?

Usually, if you were invited to dinner, you don't have to pay; however, it is polite to offer anyway.

what is going to happen to me cause i didnt pay my speeding ticket and didnt make my court date but i want to pay it whats going to happen and what i need to do?

what is going to happen to me cause i didnt pay my speeding ticket and didnt make my court date but i want to pay it whats going to happen? and what i need to do?”

If going out to dinner can guest pay for their own dinner?

If you consider the person a guest for dinner then you should offer to pay their bill as well. Often the guest; especially if they are visiting with you will take one or more persons out for dinner, their treat! If it's just a friend that has come to visit and you are going out to dinner and then somewhere else make it clear to them that each of you will pay for your own dinner.

Is it all right to have guests pay for their own dinner at rehearsal dinner?

Never. That is inappropriate to invite a guest somewhere and make them pay

What does the idiom 'dinner is on the house' mean?

It means you do not have to pay for dinner,either it is free or someone else will pay for you. This idiom usually means the 'house' or restaurant owner will pay for not 'anyone'.

If you invite someone to dinner for their birthday and they ask to bring someone else do you have to pay for both dinners?

You do not have to pay foranyone's dinner. However, proper etiquette says that if you can pay in this situation, you do.

Who pays for the rehersal dinner for the wedding?

Traditionally it is the Groom's family who will pay for the rehearsal dinner.

Why didn't Ponyboy Johnny and Dally pay to get into the drive-in movie?

They didnt pay because they didnt want people to know they were poor.

Did show pay 4 dz?

no he didnt.

Does Figure It Out pay for you?

No, Figure It Out does not pay for you. However, it does give you the chance to win some pretty cool prizes.

How did they pay the soldiers after the American revolutionary war?

They didnt

Does the girl pay for dinner if she asks a guy to prom?

Do you WANT to pay for dinner is the question. First off, did you ask him as a friend or is there something more? If it's just friends, then I'd talking to him about going dutch, in other words, paying for your own meals. If it's more than friends, then it's up to you but this I can tell you for sure FIGURE IT OUT BEFORE YOU GO OUT TO DINNER! otherwise it could be a potentially awkward situation for the both of you and put a bit of a damper on the night. Best of Luck!