firefrorefiddle is the name of a character from the popular musical "cats" who is said to be created and played by gus the theatre cat in the movie he appears as a ghostly figure I suggest you watch it but pay attention the second act when gus is singing you'll know its the right number if they mention "firefrorefiddle the fiend of the fell" repeatedly.
No. An onomatopoeia is a word that represents the noise it makes. >WHAM!> Many times in the original movie of Batman with Adam West in the title role, when Batman & Robin were fighting, giant words showed up on the screen to represent the various hits.
Well, isn't that a delightful word to say? Let's break it down gently. It's pronounced as "fire-fro-refiddle." Just let those syllables flow off your tongue like happy little birds flying in the sky. Remember, there are no mistakes in pronunciation, only happy accidents.
In his book, Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, T.S. Eliot gives a whole bunch of very fancy cat names. When I get home (where my copy of the book is), I will edit this answer to include some of them. In the meantime, see the Related Link below.Here are some very fancy cat names from the book: Admetus, Electra, Demeter, Munkustrap, Quaxo, Coricopat, Bombalurina, Jellylorum, Jennyanydots, Growltiger, Grumbuskin, Tumblebrutus, Lady Griddlebone, Rum Tum Tugger, Mungojerrie, Rumpelteazer, Deuteronomy, Mr. Mistoffelees, Macavity, Asparagus, Firefrorefiddle, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks.