Sponsors are people who can pay money to help out tributes in the Games by sending them gifts. As the Games get on, gifts get more expensive to send. Katniss states that the money that may buy you a whole dinner at the start of the Games will only by a box of matches, or a flask towards the end.
why do katniss and peeta ration the food from the sponsors
Katniss Everdeen has a younger sibling--- named Primrose Everdeen, who gets drawn in the reaping, and Katniss forces herself to get up on the stage and go to The Hunger Games! She volunteers to go. Prim tells Katniss to try and win, so she is motivated to win!
your question doesnt make sense but i think oneway they get food is when theyre sponsors give the mentor money and the mentor buys them food
The Food games The death games the fighting games Or the appetite games
The hunger games
The tributes in normal hunger games have whatever they have at the cornucopia to help them survive and they also have whatever the arena has and what they get from their sponsors.
why do katniss and peeta ration the food from the sponsors
She receives ointment for her burns.
Haymitch will approve the sponsors for Katniss and Petta.
In the Hunger Games, the silver parachutes are gifts to the tributes from their sponsors. They can contain life saving materials.
The gamemakers are the people that decide how and what will the hunger games look like.
To Be In Love (they Already Were) And To Say that Katniss Was Pregnant So they Would Get Sponsors
look up greasy say from the hunger games movie on google images
It gives the sponsors a better chance to pick the best one to help out.
i think that the reason that they give them gifts is because they need help and they love them love, kylie
So far no, but they are still adding to the game so keep a look out.
No, just kissing nothing more. Katniss fakes a pregnancy in catching fire to get sponsors but, they never actually did it.