The WWE began noticing that more & more kids began watching over the years & they decided to make it pg. Just be glad it's not G :p
You can't take thing from the WWE Show it would be aleagly
Big Show of WWE wears a 22 EEEEE size shoe (or boots).
WWE live is a regular WWE show except it is not televised. Usually WWE live is used for wrestlers trying new moves, gimmicks, and story lines, but fans are welcome to come watch the show. It is a normal show, just a bit experimental.
It doesn't matter at all in the wrestling business. What determines your paycheck is how good your performance is and how important you are to the company. If you even try to go to the WWE with nothing else to show than your masters degree, they'll show you the door in return.
A match that occurs before or after a WWE TV show. The only way you can view them is if you are at the arena.
No. Yes it is it is the best game ever who ever wrote the answer no is lame
WWE is a great show that is entertaining,funny,and dramatic, although some of it is obscene(i.e.Divas)it is also a good show.
The PG started in WWE on June 24, 2007. Now that PG has went WWE is not as good.
Because the people in Montreal finally realized how truly lame WWE is and had it banned from the city. :(
Your Guess is as good as mine.
because the wwe is lame
Billy and Chuck from 2002
WWE started in 1952.
wwe smackdown that's what i started with its on my wrlh
WWE started 1952 TNA Started 2002 WWE4EVER!
none they all started in wwe Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio and Chris Benoit all started originally from Old ECW then moved on to WCW then made there way to WWE